Title: Assistant Director for Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention
How I Support Student Health and Wellness: In this role, I will be playing a key part in creating and implementing a comprehensive strategy and serving on interdisciplinary teams to collaboratively address and prevent campus-based sexual and relationship violence. I will also be the primary point of contact for campuswide initiatives and oversee all Community and Continuing Community Wellness Requirements.
Professional Interests: At the core of my interests is equal access to education and dismantling systems that create barriers. Prior to starting at Syracuse University, I worked at Planned Parenthood of Greater New York as a survivor support services coordinator, where I oversaw a team of campus advocates under New York State’s Enough is Enough bill, providing both prevention education and direct services to survivors of sexual violence on college campuses. Additionally, I was responsible for training New York State (NYS) Certified Rape Crisis Advocates, who provide direct services and accompaniments for a tri-county rape crisis hotline.
Groups/Classes/Liaison Roles: Culture of Respect Taskforce for sexual and relationship violence prevention, Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Take Back the Night planning committee chair.
Educational Background: I have a bachelor’s degree in public policy with a concentration in law from Hobart and William Smith Colleges. I am currently enrolled in the cultural foundations of education (CFE) master’s program and certificate of advanced study in women and gender studies at Syracuse University. My research is focused in analyzing campus-based sexual violence through an intersectional approach.
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers