Greetings and I hope it is peaceful within you. I am a Faithkeeper of Oneida Nation, Wolf Clan of the Six Nations Haudenosaunee Confederacy. I am a 2011 alumna of Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts and I graduated from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1982. I was born and raised in upstate New York on my aboriginal homelands of the Oneida Nation.
My mother was a Wolf Clan Mother of the Oneida Nation, and my father was a Beaver Clan Pine Tree Chief from the Onondaga Nation. My duty and traditional responsibility are to share and promote the use of a “Good Mind,” which are ancestral principles of peace and the methods of conduct and responsibilities to the natural world.
I will be sharing my Intuitive Energy Work with the Syracuse University community, students, faculty and staff. My work is grounded in my culture and traditional Haudenosaunee teachings, along with some of the following techniques: hands-on energy work, art therapy, tuning forks, acupressure, dream interpretations and self-empowerment.
I have been a sculptor for close to 40 years, carving stone, clay, wood, antler and bronze, I am also a backup singer for my sister, Native Grammy winner Joanne Shenandoah. It is my great honor to be back at Syracuse University in this capacity.