If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency or you are in immediate danger, call 911.
24-Hour Support | Call 315.443.8000

Syracuse University students experiencing a mental health crisis, seeking support for sexual assault or relationship violence, or needing urgent medical consultation can receive free confidential services 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 315.443.8000. Please note, routine consultations should hold until the next business day.
Schedule a Mental Health Appointment
In-person and virtually, appointments are available either same day or in advance. Please note, your provider or therapist may determine that due to certain circumstances, virtual/teletherapy is no longer appropriate and other delivery or treatment options will be explored. Please note, there is a No-Show Fee.
Students scheduling a mental health appointment for the first time are asked to follow the instructions below.
- Have Syracuse University I.D. number and insurance information available.
- At this time, drop-in services are not available.
- Select one of the following ways to schedule an initial mental health appointment.
- Schedule using the Patient Portal. Visit the Patient Portal Instructional webpage to learn more.
- Call 315.443.8000, during this time students may request a same-day appointment.
Students who have attended a mental health appointment in the past are asked to follow the instructions below. Please note, Patient Portal scheduling is not available for returning mental health appointments.
- Have Syracuse University I.D. number and insurance information available.
- At this time, drop-in services are not available.
- Call 315.443.8000, during this time students may request a same-day appointment.
Explore opportunities and learn how to get started on the Group Counseling webpage.
Explore complete details on the Mental Health webpage.
Mental Health Services
- 24-Hour Support: Call 315.443.8000
- Barnes Center at The Arch Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team: Call 315.443.8000
- Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Relationship Counseling
- Gender Affirming Health and Wellness: LGBTQIA+ affirming providers trained to help explore gender identity.
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulty expressing thoughts and feeling.
- Difficulty in social situations and making friends.
- Feeling invisible or not heard.
- Frequent arguments with others.
- Eating Concerns
- Feeling Overwhelmed
- Identity Exploration
- Isolation
- Issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and social justice.
- Issues related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) identities, exploring and affirming gender identity.
- Loneliness
- Life Transitions
- Powerlessness
- Relationship Problems
- Self-Doubt
- Stress Management
- Substance Use
- Trauma
Mental Health (Billing and Fees, Forms, Procedures)
Students may find additional forms for mental health services in the Patient Portal.
- Authorization for the Release of Records (Counseling and Health Care) [PDF]
- Counseling Release of Information Request Form (Electronic)
- Counseling Release of Information Request Form [PDF]
- Counseling Medical Leave of Absence Provider Letter [PDF]
- Counseling Medical Leave of Absence Provider Letter and Readmission Questionnaire [PDF]
- Minor Consent and Waiver Form
- Suspension Readmission Letter and Questionnaire [PDF]
The Barnes Center at The Arch health and wellness team is committed to providing students privacy within a confidential environment and experience. For a complete list, please visit the Syracuse University Policies site. For questions or additional information, please email the Barnes Center at The Arch or call 315.443.8000.
Counseling services are completely confidential, except in cases where there is a court order requiring the release of information, or there is imminent danger to self or others. For you, this means we do not release information to your parents, faculty, staff or others about your counseling without a signed release from you that would permit such an exchange of information.
Counseling Policy
Counseling services adheres to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, including strictly respecting your right to confidentiality of records and information shared by you in a counseling session. All records, computerized and written, will be stored, retrieved and maintained according to acceptable ethical guidelines. Counseling services will generally release records only to other mental health care providers; however, you should be aware that there are certain circumstances under which your right to confidentiality may be outweighed by a conflicting legal or ethical duty of the Counseling services to disclose confidential information. For example, if the Counseling services determines that you are potentially harmful to yourself or others, or learns of child neglect or abuse, or is ordered by a court of law or otherwise required by law to surrender its records (as in child custody cases), then the Counseling services may have to disclose information that you shared on a confidential basis. In all other circumstances, the Counseling services will obtain your prior written permission before disclosing your confidential information to anyone.
Academic Records
Counseling services records are separate from a student’s academic record. No one in the University has access to a student’s Counseling services record unless the student gives permission for that access.
Taped Sessions
As a training site for counseling programs at Syracuse University, permission may be requested of clients to videotape sessions for the purpose of enhancing counselor development. These recordings will be used to aid the counseling process and gain further understanding of important aspects of treatment. You will never be video recorded without your consent, and you have the right to decline being taped without any impact on your ability to receive counseling services.
Electronic Mail
Due to concerns regarding confidentiality, the Counseling services does not use email to communicate with clients.
Excuse Notes
As a general policy, Counseling services will not write notes to excuse you from your academic responsibilities. In specific circumstances, mutually agreed upon by you and your therapist, the Counseling services can verify only that you were a client at the center and the dates that you attended sessions. Missed classes or incomplete work are issues between you and your instructor.
For a complete list please visit the Syracuse University Policies site. For questions or additional information, please email the Barnes Center at The Arch or call 315.443.8000.
The mission of The Barnes Center at The Arch is to provide compassionate, quality, student centered health care, foster a concept of lifelong wellness and provide leadership in the field of college health. The Barnes Center at The Arch recognizes that to accomplish this goal, there must be an effective collaboration between our staff, our policies, our priorities and you, our student-patients.
You Have the Right to:
- Receive considerate and respectful care without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.
- Play an active role in the decisions about your health care and treatment, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.
- Receive complete information about your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
- Receive all the information that you need to give informed consent for any proposed procedure or treatment. Such information shall include the possible risk and benefits of the procedure or treatment.
- A listing of services available at the Barnes Center.
- Information about provisions for after-hours care and emergency care.
- Be informed about fees and charges associated with your care at the Barnes Center and to be informed of our payment policies.
- Refuse to participate in experimental research.
- Review the contents of your medical records with a health care provider without charge.
- Understand what medication(s) is given and why, and to understand the common side effects of a medication.
- Not be examined or treated by a particular health care practitioner, to be informed of the consequences of such decisions and to request a second opinion if you want one.
- Know what the treatment will be and what risks are involved, and to know what to expect as a result of treatment.
- Refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your health.
- Express your concerns without fear of reprisal about the care and services you are receiving and any concerns about privacy, and to have the Barnes Center respond to you and, if you request it, a written response.
- Get the name, title and credentials of the person(s) interviewing, examining and/or treating you.
- Be assured of the confidential treatment of your protected health information and to have the opportunity to authorize the release of such information under certain circumstances, except when required by law.
- Inspect and/or receive a copy of your protected health information for as long as the Barnes Center maintains the record, to the extent permitted by law.
- Request that the Barnes Center amend your protected health information for as long as the information is kept by the Barnes Center if you feel that the protected health information the Barnes Center has about you is incorrect or incomplete.
- Request an accounting of disclosures, which is a list of disclosures the Barnes Center has made regarding your treatment record, to the extent that the Barnes Center is required under FERPA to list such disclosures.
- Request a restriction or limitation on the protected health information that the Barnes Center uses or discloses about you for treatment, payment or health care operations.
- Receive a paper copy of the Barnes Center Notice of Privacy Practices.
- Be provided with appropriate information regarding the absence of malpractice insurance coverage.
- Request confidential communication and/or consultation with your provider or any other persons.
- Privacy in treatment and confidentiality in the treatment of personal and medical records.
- Request accurate communication in the language or manner that your primarily use. When the need arises for translation, reasonable attempts will be made by staff to make accommodations.
- Request to be communicated to in your preferred language or manner.
You Have the Responsibility to:
- Provide the Barnes Center with accurate information about your current and past illnesses, immunization, medications and hospitalizations.
- Provide the Barnes Center with full and honest information about your health concerns to facilitate proper evaluation and treatment.
- Ask questions if you do not understand the findings, instructions or treatment.
- Either carry out treatment and education recommendations, or accept responsibility for the outcome.
- Communicate with your health care provider if your condition does not follow the expected course.
- Become informed through available printed material and/or discussion with the Barnes Center staff about the scope of the basic services offered, their cost and the necessity for additional medical insurance.
- Keep appointments or, if you need to cancel or reschedule, contact the Barnes Center as soon as possible to avoid a fee.
- Be respectful of others and others’ property while in the Barnes Center facility.
- A student wishing to take a medical leave of absence must discuss this request with a representative of Student Outreach and Support by calling 315.443.4357 (HELP). The team will then notify Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling of the student’s request to take a mental health medical leave of absence.
- To receive approval for the leave, the student is then required to provide Counseling the required documentation within thirty (30) days of the date that their condition made it necessary to leave the University. Please provide the Counseling Medical Leave of Absence Provider Letter to your provider.
- Important note: The date that a student makes the request to the University for mental health medical leave of absence will be the effective date of the mental health medical leave of absence. Any request for medical leave of absence made after the withdraw deadline will result in the student receiving failing grades (e.g. letter grade of F) unless there are extenuating circumstances as reviewed and deemed as such by appropriate Health and Wellness designee.
Required Documentation
The student is required to provide the following documentation to Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling within thirty (30) days of the date that their condition made it necessary to leave the University:
- A summary letter from a licensed mental health care provider (e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social worker, etc.), on their letterhead, indicating the nature of the student’s psychological condition and a statement directly supporting the student’s need for a mental health medical leave.
- A completed Counseling Release of Information Request Form to give Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling written authorization to communicate with Student Outreach and Support regarding the status of the student’s request for a mental health medical leave of absence.
Approval for a Mental Health Medical Leave
When Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling has received and reviewed the required documentation from the licensed mental health provider and the release of information to Student Outreach and Support, Counseling will notify the student of approval status via their preferred email address.
*If the student has not received an approval status notification, the student should call the Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling at 315.443.8000 to verify that the required documentation has been received before the 30-day deadline.
Returning to Syracuse University in the Future
Should the student wish to return to Syracuse University in the future:
- The student must enter into treatment with a licensed mental health care provider (e.g. psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social worker, etc.) and comply with the recommendations set forth in the treatment plan.
- The student will need to demonstrate and provide the required documentation that they have participated in an appropriate form of treatment and that they are prepared to resume status as a full-time student.
Readmission from a Mental Health Medical Leave
Prior to the semester in which the student would like to return to Syracuse University, the student will need to provide the required readmission documentation and complete a readmission interview with Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling. Please see the semester deadlines below.
The student will also need to contact their school or college to discuss readmission. Readmission is dependent upon space availability and academic standing in the college and program to which the student seeks readmission.
If the student has further questions, Student Outreach and Support is available for support during the readmission process.
Required Documentation
Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling requires the following documentation for readmission before the readmission deadlines (see below):
- The Syracuse University Counseling Medical Leave of Absence Provider Letter and Readmission Questionnaire completed by the student’s licensed mental health care provider.
- A letter from the student’s licensed mental health care provider, on office letterhead, that provides a treatment summary and indicates that the student is prepared to resume full-time study at Syracuse University.
- A completed Counseling Release of Information Request Form for the licensed mental health care provider to speak with a Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling therapist about the course of treatment and continued care recommendations.
Required documentation may be faxed to 833.780.1937 or mailed to:
Barnes Center at The Arch
Attn: Counseling
150 Sims Drive, St. 302
Syracuse, NY 13244
Readmission Interview
Once the required documentation has been received and approved, the student will be contacted by Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling to schedule a readmission interview with a therapist. The purpose of this meeting is to assess the student’s current status, review the recommendations provided from the licensed mental health care provider and identify any support the student will need to help ensure success upon return to Syracuse University.
Decisions for student readmission to the University following a Mental Health Medical Leave are highly individualized and are contingent upon completion of specific requirements set forth by Barnes Center at The Arch Counseling.
Readmission Deadlines
Failure to meet a deadline may result in the student’s return to Syracuse University being postponed until the following semester. Additionally, it is the student’s responsibility to contact their home school/college for specific academic requirements regarding re-enrollment.
International Students: Are asked to please begin the return from mental health medical leave of absence process as soon as the student’s medical provider feels appropriate, in advance of the deadlines below to ensure sufficient time for a new I-20 to be processed. Please contact the Center for International Services to discuss any questions/concerns regarding international student status and I-20.
Failure to meet a readmission deadline may result in postponed readmission. Please Note: Home schools/colleges may have an earlier readmission deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they complete the Barnes Center at The Arch readmission process prior to their school/college readmission deadline.
- Fall Semester Deadline: Documents sent by Aug. 1. Readmission interview by Aug. 15.
- Spring Semester Deadline: Documents sent by Dec. 15. Readmission interview by Jan. 10.
- Summer Semester Deadline: Documents sent by April 15. Readmission interview by May 1.
Certain medical and counseling appointments may be available through a secure and confidential telecommunication system. Telehealth may also be limited to patients located within New York State. Please note that health screening communications, wherein providers gather health information from and about you, are not considered telehealth appointments and no treatment will be administered.
- Counseling visits with our team of therapists continue to be covered in full through the Health and Wellness Fee. This includes visits for individual and group therapy.
- No-Show Fee: A $25-$50 No-Show Fee will be applied to student accounts of those who fail to cancel or reschedule by calling 315.443.8000 or virtually through the Patient Portal, at least one hour prior to Health Care, Nutrition or Counseling appointments. This provides the opportunity for another student to utilize the appointment.
Learn more on the About webpage.