Providing opportunities to compete in a fun and supportive environment throughout the academic year, the Barnes Center at The Arch hosts a variety of intramural sports and tournaments. Open to Syracuse University and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) students, faculty and staff. Please bring official Syracuse University or SUNY ESF I.D. If this is your first time using the Wellness Portal, learn more on the Wellness Portal Instructional webpage.
Wellness Portal IMLeagues Platform Log-In Wellness Portal Log-In
Fall 2024 Registration Deadlines
Registration deadlines: Fall I: Sept. 5, Fall II: Oct. 30, Tournaments: Wednesday before the event. All dates are available in the Wellness Portal IMLeagues platform and are subject to change.
- Basketball (3 vs. 3)
- Broomball
- Curling
- Dodgeball
- Fantasy Football
- Flag Football
- Ice Hockey
- Kickball
- Outdoor Soccer
- Sand Volleyball
- Sled Hockey
- Volleyball (4 vs. 4)
- Tournaments: Cornhole, Pickleball, Spikeball
Intramural Sports: Using the Wellness Portal IMLeagues Platform
- Navigate to the Wellness Portal IMLeagues platform.
- In the top right corner, select “Create an Account” and follow prompts. Please note, unless a different email address is proactively requested, a Syracuse University email address (@syr.edu) will be required.
- When ready to complete, select “Create Account.”
Alumni and Dependents
Please note, prior to creating a Wellness Portal IMLeagues account alumni and dependents must first email Jasmine Holmes, associate director of sport programs, or call 315.443.3060.
Non-Syracuse University Email Addresses
To create a Wellness Portal IMLeagues account with a non-Syracuse University email address (@syr.edu), please email Jasmine Holmes, associate director of sport programs, or call 315.443.3060.
- Navigate to the Wellness Portal IMLeagues platform.
- In the top right corner, select “LOGIN.” Then, using a collegiate email address (e.g. @syr.edu, @esf.edu) and the chosen password, complete the login process.
- Next, select “Syracuse University” from the top navigation bar.
- Scroll down to explore the list of available Intramural Sports opportunities.
- When you find the desired Intramural Sports opportunity, under “Registration” and next to “Open,” select the date and time text.
- On the League Description webpage and under the desired section, select “Create a Team.”
- Using the Syracuse University Intramural Handbook in addition to the applicable Intramural Sport Rules, pass the required Intramural Sports Captain’s Quiz.
- Complete the team registration prompts. When ready to submit, select “Create Team.”
- Navigate to the Wellness Portal IMLeagues platform.
- In the top right corner, select “LOGIN.” Then, using a collegiate email address (e.g. @syr.edu, @esf.edu) and the chosen password, complete the login process.
- If not already displaying, select “Teams.”
- On the My Teams webpage, select the desired team.
- On the individual team webpage, users are able to document team progress.
- In the left corner, select “Team Options” to adjust team settings, invite members, leave a team and more.
Please note the following before registering as a free agent.
- Users can list themselves as free agents in as many divisions within the league as they would like.
- Once a free agent, users are visible and others can request team participation.
- Free agents are strongly encouraged to connect with other free agents to join teams. If a team is formed, please follow the Wellness Portal IMLeagues: Creating a Team instructions.
Free Agent Registration Instructions
- Navigate to the Wellness Portal IMLeagues platform.
- In the top right corner, select “LOGIN.” Then, using a collegiate email address (e.g. @syr.edu, @esf.edu) and the chosen password, complete the login process.
- Next, select “Syracuse University” from the top navigation bar.
- Scroll down to explore the list of available Intramural Sports opportunities.
- When you find the desired Intramural Sports opportunity, under “Registration” and next to “Open,” select the date and time text.
- On the League Description webpage, select “Join as a Free Agent.”
- Next, complete all prompted requirements. When ready to complete, select “List Posting.”
- Navigate to the Wellness Portal IMLeagues platform.
- In the top right corner, select “LOGIN.” Then, using a collegiate email address (e.g. @syr.edu, @esf.edu) and the chosen password, complete the login process.
- Next, select “Syracuse University” from the top navigation bar.
- Scroll down to explore the list of available Intramural Sports opportunities.
- When you find the desired Intramural Sports opportunity, under “Registration” and next to “Open,” select the date and time text.
- On the League Description webpage, next to the desired team, select “Join Team.”
- Next, complete all prompted requirements. When ready to complete, select “Send Request.”
- To review requests and messages, select your name in the top right corner.
Please note the following before selecting a playoff/bracket spot.
- The team captain is the only user who can select a team’s playoff/bracket spot.
- Please review all bracket date and time availability.
- Before selecting, please check that selections work with your team’s schedule. Due to limited space and high demand, there may not be availability to reschedule.
- At most, five minutes are provided for selection before the next team is able to choose.
- If the assigned pick time has passed, captains may log in any time after the original time slot and before the deadline to make a selection.
- If no selection is made, one will be automatically provided.
Selecting a Playoff/Bracket Spot Instructions
- Navigate to the Wellness Portal IMLeagues platform.
- In the top right corner, select “LOGIN.” Then, using a collegiate email address (e.g. @syr.edu, @esf.edu) and the chosen password, complete the login process.
- From your account page (your initials will be in the top left corner), a countdown timer will be displayed. This countdown timer shares when it is your team’s turn to pick.
- Select the countdown timer when it is your turn and make a selection.
- Navigate to the Wellness Portal IMLeagues platform.
- In the top right corner, select “LOGIN.” Then, using a collegiate email address (e.g. @syr.edu, @esf.edu) and the chosen password, complete the login process.
- Next, select “Syracuse University” from the top navigation bar.
- Near the top left, select “Handbooks & Manuals.”
For more information or questions, please contact the following Barnes Center at The Arch team members.
- Email Jasmine Holmes, associate director of sport programs, or call 315.443.3060.
- Email Angie Petrie, assistant director of sport programs, or call 315.443.5008.
- Email Jessica Cuadra, intramural sports coordinator, or call 315.443.7983.
- Email Joshua Moshier, club sports coordinator, or call 315.443.4260.
Intramural Sports Student Employment
Throughout the academic year, a variety of student staff positions are available in Handshake by searching “Intramural Sports.” If this is your first time using Handshake or for more information, please visit the Career Services Handshake instructional webpage.