If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency or you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Barnes Center at The Arch Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team
The Barnes Center at The Arch Sexual and Relationship Violence Response team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by calling 315.443.8000 and selecting option 1, and provides free privileged and confidential support to students who have concerns related to any form of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, relationship violence, sexual harassment, stalking and cyberbullying.
Campus Sexual and Relationship Violence Response
Additional Sexual and Relationship Violence Information
Try to Preserve all Physical Evidence
Do not urinate, bathe, shower, eat/drink, brush your teeth, wash your hands or change your clothes until you have a medical examination, if there is possibility that you want to make a police report now or the future.
You Can Still Choose to Have an Exam
Even if you have changed clothing, bathed, showered or douched, you can have an exam. If you changed, take the clothing worn at the time of the assault to the hospital in a paper bag, as plastic may destroy important evidence.
Seek Medical Attention
Even if you choose not to have an examination to collect evidence, seek medical attention as soon as possible. A health care professional can assess for any injuries, provide emergency contraception and screen for sexually transmitted infections. Learn more by visiting the Health Care webpage.
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) Exam
If there is any chance you may report a sexual assault, evidence should be collected within 96 hours of the assault. In Syracuse, specially trained nurses, called Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE), are available 24 hours a day. Evidence can be collected at any emergency department.
Substance Testing
If you suspect you may have been given a drug, testing is provided through Barnes Center at The Arch Health Care. On-campus testing cannot be used as evidence for criminal prosecution, however, members of the health and wellness team can provide additional resources as needed.
Victim Advocate
A victim advocate can help you through the medical examination, and if you choose to legally report the assault, they with assist during the reporting process.
Syracuse University Medical Transport Services are available to transport students from on-campus locations to the Barnes Center at The Arch or a local hospital, then back to campus.
Financial Assistance
If you are concerned about payment of medical expenses related to examination after a sexual assault, the Barnes Center at The Arch health and wellness team can inform you of available financial assistance.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Syracuse University is committed to providing safe and supportive spaces to students who have been impacted by sexual and relationship violence. Find additional information on the Barnes Center at The Arch Confidentiality webpage.
Students who have experienced sexual and relationship violence have access to 24-hour advocacy and support services by calling 315.443.8000. Advocates provide information to help victims/survivors make decisions and understand their Student Bill of Rights: For Cases Involving Sexual or Relationship Violence or Harassment, as well as aid in the recovery process.
Serving as an advocate, members of the Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team may support in the following ways.
- Accompany a student to the Department of Public Safety should the student decide to report the incident.
- Assist in obtaining no-contact orders, change of housing or course load/class schedule requests, and short- or long-term leaves of absence.
- Connect with support groups for survivors of sexual assault and relationship violence.
- Coordinate with other offices and services.
- Consult with members of the University community regarding ways to support individuals who have been impacted by sexual or relationship violence.
- Facilitate medical evaluation and evidence collection as needed and/or desired.
- Help in safety planning.
- Provide emotional and psychological support.
- Provide trauma informed counseling.
- Review legal and procedural information regarding reporting options to the University and/or law enforcement.
- Learn more on the Syracuse University Community Standards Consent webpage.
- Learn more on the New York State (NYS) Senate Article 130 of the NYS Penal Law webpage.
Got Consent? Be SU.R.E.
You can use the Got Consent: Be SU.R.E. campaign to ensure that you have consent throughout your entire sexual activity.
- Shared Understanding
- Respectful
- Enthusiastic
- The initiator is always responsible for getting consent, and it is possible that the initiator might change throughout the sexual interaction.
- Consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those words or actions create clear permission regarding willingness to engage in the sexual activity.
- Silence or lack of resistance, in and of itself, does not demonstrate consent.
- The definition of consent does not vary based upon a participant’s sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention
Through a variety of programs, events and shared resources the health and wellness team works to promote holistic wellness campus-wide.
Learn more on the Syracuse University Sexual and Relationship Violence Get Involved webpage.
Develop skills to prevent sexual violence in your everyday life by becoming a prosocial bystander. Request a workshop today!
As new students join the Syracuse University community, they are required to participate in community wellness activities that build connection, promote community well-being and offer additional education surrounding health and wellness resources and programs.
Required activities include an interactive presentation called “Speak About It” and online training modules centered on sexual and relationship violence prevention, alcohol and other drugs, and Orange Values.
Additionally, returning full-time students are required to complete annual sexual and relationship violence prevention training.
For more information, visit the Community Wellness Requirements webpage.
Learn more on the Syracuse University Sexual and Relationship Violence Learn webpage.
Learn more on the Syracuse University Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevent webpage or request a workshop.
Learn more on the Syracuse University Sexual Assault and Awareness Month webpage.
By recognizing, reporting and preventing bias-related incidents, we can foster an even more inclusive campus community where all members feel welcomed and supported. Additional information on this Universitywide initiative is available on the STOP Bias and Hate webpage.
Learn more on the Syracuse University Take Back The Night webpage.
Student Education and Prevention Team for Sexual and Relationship Violence (SEPT) Listserv
The SEPT listserv is for members of the campus community that would like to receive updates about sexual and relationship violence prevention programming and initiatives. Students, faculty and staff passionate about sexual and relationship violence prevention are encouraged to join this listserv and share information regarding sexual and relationship violence programming they are involved with.