If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency or you are in immediate danger, call 911.

Psychiatry Services
- Psychiatry services are available on a referral basis from the Barnes Center at The Arch Health Care and Counseling teams.
- Services are provided jointly between the Barnes Center at The Arch psychiatric provider and the student’s home psychiatric provider. In order to see a psychiatric provider, a student will need to initiate care through Counseling at the Barnes Center at The Arch.
Psychiatry Medication
- Students who have previously taken or are currently taking a psychiatric medication, and are seeking continued services at the Barnes Center at The Arch, must provide the health and wellness team with records from their current/past psychiatric provider. For more information or questions, please contact the Medical Records Office by calling 315.443.2667.
- Stimulants that are commonly used for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) will not be provided unless the student has had a full assessment conducted by a licensed mental health provider.
Psychiatry Billing and Fees
Counseling visits with our team of therapists continue to be covered in full through the Health and Wellness Fee. This includes visits for individual counseling and group counseling.
Effective Aug. 1, 2021: Psychiatry services, a medical specialty service, will incur an appointment fee that can be applied to your insurance. Based on your insurance provider, billing will be directed as follows.
- For students enrolled in the Syracuse University Student Health Insurance Plan: all visits are covered and there will be no out-of-pocket expenses.
- For students enrolled in Blue Cross & Blue Shield [BC&BS] Blue Card Plans, other Aetna plans or Pomco Select: visit fees will be charged to your insurance and any remaining out-of-pocket expenses, such as copays, can be paid upfront with a credit card or applied to a student Bursar account.
- For students enrolled in all other insurance plans: visit fees can be charged to a credit card or to a student Bursar account, and you can then submit to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement based upon your plan coverage.
- Changes to the billing process will not impact access to psychiatry services and medication management, as they remain available at the Barnes Center.
- After Aug. 1, 2021, appointments with the Barnes Center psychiatry staff (psychiatrist and psychiatric nurse practitioner) will incur a fee of $125 for initial office visit (new patients) and a fee of $75 per follow-up visit.
A $25-$50 No-Show Fee will be applied to student accounts of those who fail to call 315.443.8000 at least two hours prior to cancel or reschedule Health Care or Counseling appointments. This provides the opportunity for another student to utilize the appointment.