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Student Eating Disorder Support
If you believe that you or someone you know has an eating disorder, it is important to seek professional assessment and support. The Syracuse University Eating Disorder Treatment Team can be accessed by calling the Barnes Center at The Arch at 315.443.8000.
Eating disorders are a complex psychological and medical concern that can impact multiple areas of a student’s life. The most effective strategy for providing eating disorder treatment is through a treatment team approach that incorporates a range of services that address the complex factors contributing to the eating disorder.
The Eating Disorder Treatment Team consists of a multidisciplinary staff including the following.
- Health Care Medical Provider, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Dietitian
- Counseling Therapists
- Student Case Managers
Unique to each student, the team hosts a comprehensive assessment to determine appropriate treatment needs. Inclusive of the list below and following assessment, the Eating Disorder Treatment Team develops treatment recommendations.
- A health care medical evaluation.
- A mental health assessment with counseling.
- A dietary assessment with a dietitian.
Depending on the student’s level of need, services may be provided by the team, the student may be referred to community based treatment resources or the student may be encouraged to take a Medical Leave of Absence from the University to seek more intensive treatment. There may be times when recommendations will be made for the student to pursue intensive outpatient treatment, residential based treatment or hospitalization. These recommendations will be determined by the Eating Disorder Treatment Team at the time of assessment and reviewed on an ongoing basis.
If services are provided via the Eating Disorder Treatment Team, students can expect regular appointments with a therapist, dietitian and health care provider. If students are age 18 or older, all services are confidential. However, we invite and encourage students to maintain open dialogue with parents/family members due to the potential serious nature of eating disorders.
- Medical: Management of any medical consequences of disordered eating, prescribing medication if necessary, regular weight checks if appropriate.
- Nutritional: Education (e.g. healthy eating, impact of certain behaviors upon health and wellness). Weekly meal plans may be developed to assist in developing healthy eating habits.
- Mental Health: Develop strategies for changing the behavior patterns that contribute to disordered eating. Addressing co-occurring problems (e.g., anxiety, depression, etc.) that contribute to disordered eating.