Panhellenic Council

Panhellenic Council Logo

The Panhellenic Council is governed by the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) which is an umbrella organization for 26 (inter)national women’s sororities throughout the United States and Canada. Each member group is autonomous as a social, Greek-letter society of college women and alumnae.

Syracuse University is home to 13 Panhellenic Sororities. Information on each of our chapters can be found below.

  • Alpha Chi Omega
  • Alpha Epsilon Phi
  • Alpha Gamma Delta
  • Alpha Phi
  • Alpha Xi Delta
  • Delta Delta Delta
  • Delta Gamma
  • Delta Phi Epsilon
  • Gamma Phi Beta
  • Kappa Alpha Theta
  • Kappa Kappa Gamma
  • Phi Sigma Sigma
  • Sigma Delta Tau

Learn More About Panhellenic Sororities:

Alpha Chi Omega Building Exterior


Lambda Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega

National Founding Date: October 15, 1885

Chapter Founding Date: December 18, 1906

Organization Values: From the time of their initiation, the women of Alpha Chi Omega are committed to the values of wisdom, devotion, and achievement. When members become alumnae, the value of commitment becomes key as they grow in their lifetime connection to Alpha Chi Omega.

Mission: Through the Real. Strong. Women.® Experience, Alpha Chi Omega cultivates impactful communities where women are inspired to connect, lead, grow, and serve. The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation strives to realize and sustain the educational and philanthropic values of Alpha Chi Omega through successful fundraising and stewardship. Generous gifts from our members and friends enhance the Real. Strong. Women. Experience and empower our members to impact their communities and world positively. The National Housing Corporation enhances the Real. Strong. Women. An experience by providing safe and competitive facilities where members connect, lead, grow, and serve. Pearl Stone Partners delivers comprehensive human resources services and supports employees and those who direct them to enhance the Real. Strong. Women. Experience.

Vision: Alpha Chi Omega shapes the future through the powerful, transformative, and everlasting connections of real, strong women.

New Member Dues: $1,500 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $1,100 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 weeks

Alpha Chi Omega National Website
Chapter Instagram


Iota Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Phi

National Founding Date: October 24, 1909

Chapter Founding Date: December 24, 1919

Organization Values: Faculty approval, student esteem, and sorority fidelity.

Mission: The mission of Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority is to inspire and support exemplary women dedicated to friendship and a lifelong commitment to Alpha Epsilon Phi while building on the vision of our Jewish founders.

Vision: The beliefs and goals of Alpha Epsilon Phi and our members are best stated in our Core Values Statement: “Above all else, Alpha Epsilon Phi inspires exemplary women who are: enriched by sisterhood and unconditional friendships, dedicated to selfless service and inspiring others, and committed to intellectual growth and personal development. As a lifelong member of Alpha Epsilon Phi, I will: respect our shared heritage and traditions, exhibit high ideals and moral character, fulfill expectations and responsibilities of membership, and continually exemplify the values of beauty, strength and wisdom as embodied by the three columns of our insignia.”

New Member Dues: $960 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $700-$800 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 weeks

Alpha Epsilon Phi National Website
Chapter Facebook
Chapter Instagram

TicTok: @CusePhi

Alpha Gamma Delta Group Photo


Alpha Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta

National & Chapter Founding Date:  May 30, 1904

Organization Values:  Alpha Gamma Delta is an international women’s organization committed to providing opportunities for personal development, service to others, and a space for members to forge their own paths—all through a lifelong spirit of sisterhood.

Mission:  The mission of Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation is to impact and enrich our communities by providing essential support for education, philanthropy and leadership.

Vision:  Inspired by the vision and values defined by our Founders, Alpha Gamma Delta challenges members to lead lives of significance that positively impact their communities. Together, we continually work to: Inspire the Woman. Impact the World.

New Member Dues: $1,733 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $1.145 per semester

Length of New Member Period:  6 Weeks

Alpha Gamma Delta National Website

Chapter Instagram


Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi

Chapter & National Founding Date: October 10, 1872

Organization Values: The very heart of Alpha Phi membership is connected by a common set of ideals. Alpha Phi offers a unique bond of sisterhood, a spirit of generosity, high expectations for character and a drive for innovation. These are our High Ideals of Membership, which define what it truly means to be an Alpha Phi.

Mission: Alpha Phi is a loyal sisterhood of women courageously pursuing limitless excellence.

Vision: The objectives of our Fraternity are the promotion of growth in character, unity of feeling, sisterly affection and social communion among our members. In all that we do, we try to obey God’s principles of justice and right. We have banded ourselves together to improve our minds and hearts, and we seek to aid each other through a constant watch care always given in love. We believe ourselves to be sincere searchers for truth. We seek the highest ideal of womanhood, and we try to gain this ideal by cultivating not only the power and passion for seeking intellectual development but, also, the spirit of love and charity. And we who are thus united are under a solemn pledge to lend a helping hand to one another.

New Member Dues: $1,500 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $850 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 weeks

Alpha Phi National Website
Chapter Instagram

Alpha Xi Delta Building Exterior


Eta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta

National Founding Year: April 17, 1893

Chapter Founding Year: May 28,  1904

Organization Values: Sisterhood, leadership, knowledge, and service to our communities.

Mission: The mission of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity is to enrich the life of every Alpha Xi Delta. We will: Nurture unity and cooperation. Foster intellectual, professional and personal growth. Exemplify the highest ethical conduct. Instill community responsibility. Perpetuate fraternal growth.

Vision: Inspiring women to realize their potential.

New Member Dues: $825 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $655 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks


Omicron Chapter of Delta Delta Delta

National Founding Date: November 27, 1888

Chapter Installation Date: October 30, 1896

Organization Values:  Be Yourself and Belong Membership in Tri Delta is for a lifetime, allowing you to be yourself and belong to something bigger—something distinctive, something dynamic and something that is worthy of the best in you. Brave, Bold & Kind Our Founders’ vision of women who are “kind alike to all” is an aspiration that guides Tri Delta and inspires our deep commitment to philanthropy and service. Lifelong Growth & Friendship Tri Delta provides a lifetime opportunity to live, learn and lead—with Purpose—in a place that values support, personal growth, high ideals and friendship.

Mission: Tri Delta is an assembly of women with shared values where you can be yourself and belong to something bigger. We are brave, bold and kind. We are passionate about serving others, committed to becoming the best version of ourselves and dedicated to helping women live, learn and lead—with Purpose—for a lifetime.

Vision: Although there were three women’s groups represented at Boston University in 1888, seniors Sarah Ida Shaw and Eleanor Dorcas Pond saw a need for a different organization that would be kind alike to all and think more of the girl’s inner self and character than of her personal appearance. Not only did these two young women create the framework of our organization, but they also created its Rituals and symbols, wrote its constitution, and designed its emblems. All was finished on Thanksgiving Eve in 1888 when the two embraced each other and declared Tri Delta is founded. Their vision has grown into the dynamic women’s organization we know today.

New Member Dues: $1,050 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $1,000 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Delta Delta Delta National Website
Chapter Instagram


Rho Chapter of Delta Gamma

National Founding Date: December 25, 1873

Chapter Founding Year: 1901

Organization Values:  The objective of this Fraternity shall be to foster high ideals of friendship among women, to promote their educational and cultural interests, to create in them a true sense of social responsibility and to develop in them the best qualities of character.

Mission: Delta Gamma was founded in 1873 in Oxford, Mississippi, at the Lewis School for Girls by three young women who were unable to go home for the Christmas break. Together, Anna Boyd, Mary Comfort and Eva Webb created a club of mutual helpfulness. They chose the Greek letters Delta and Gamma because of their desire to Do Good. It remains Delta Gamma’s motto today and a driving force in all we do. Delta Gamma is a sisterhood built on a commitment to making the world better through not only service, but also a deep appreciation for each individual. What started with three women in Oxford, Mississippi, has since grown into an international Fraternity with 146 collegiate chapters and more than 220 alumnae groups. Delta Gamma’s sisterhood continues to inspire women through the values that were built into our very first Constitution, and are represented in our chapters today. Delta Gamma Fraternity is committed to cultivating an inclusive and equitable environment and experience for our members, potential new members, and communities.

Vision: College is full of memories and experiences that will shape a woman’s life and help lead her into a lifetime of fulfilling membership as an alumna. Upon graduation, Delta Gamma’s sisterhood is a network of support that enables each alumna to pursue her dreams and goals, while allowing her to give back. With opportunities to join one of more than 200 alumnae groups, mentor collegians, serve as advisers and volunteer for leadership positions, the Delta Gamma experience does not end after college. Instead, our sisterhood broadens to give each Delta Gamma the chance to continue her involvement in her own unique way. Because serving others is at the root of Delta Gamma’s history, the Delta Gamma Foundation functions as the philanthropic arm of the organization.

New Member Dues: $1,249 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $804 per semester

Length of New Member Period:  6 Weeks

Delta Gamma National Website
Chapter Instagram


Gamma Chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon

National Founding Date: March 17, 1917

Chapter Founding Year: 1921

Organization Values: Justice, Sisterhood & Love

Mission: To provide a sisterhood experience rich with tradition, innovation, and opportunities for growth.

Vision: We inspire and empower our sisterhood to engage in a lifetime of leadership and service.

New Member Dues: $1,170 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $985 per semester (Sophomores & Juniors – Out of House); $950 per semester (Seniors – Out of House); $525/$535 per semester (Sophomores & Juniors/Seniors – In House)

Length of New Member Period: 6 weeks

Delta Phi Epsilon National Website
Chapter TicTok & Instagram: @dphiesyracuse


Alpha Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta

Chapter & National Founding Date: November 11, 1874

Organization Values: Love, Labor, Learning, and Loyalty.

Mission: We build confident women of character who celebrate sisterhood and make a difference in the world around us.

Vision: To inspire the highest type of womanhood.

New Member Dues: $750 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $515 per semester

Length of New Member Period: Approximately 4-6 weeks

Gamma Phi Beta National Website
Chapter Facebook
Chapter Instagram
Chapter Twitter


Chi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta

National Founding Date: January 27, 1870

Chapter Installation Date: October 10, 1889

Organization Values: Scholarship, service, leadership, personal excellence, and friendship/member hood.

Mission: Kappa Alpha Theta nurtures each member throughout their lifetime, offering opportunities for intellectual and personal growth.

Vision: Leading every member to personal excellence through lifelong member hood.

New Member Dues: Approximately $693 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: Approximately $697 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Kappa Alpha Theta National Website
Chapter Website
Chapter Instagram

TicTok: @syracusetheta

Kappa Kappa Gamma Building Exterior with Otto The Orange


Beta Tau Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma

National Founding Date: October 13, 1870

Chapter Founding Year: October 1883

Organization Values: Kappa Kappa Gamma was founded in 1870 and is one of the oldest women’s fraternities. Our core values are based on friendship, leadership, and scholarship. While the times have changed since 1870, our values stay the same and are what keeps the women of this fraternity motivated and well-rounded. We are a chapter dedicated to cultivating positive experiences for all members through loyalty, kindness, diversity, and empathy. Above all else, good character is the core of what we strive for.

Mission: Kappa Kappa Gamma is an organization of women, which seeks for every member throughout her life bonds of friendship, mutual support, opportunities for self-growth, respect for intellectual development, and an understanding of and an allegiance to positive ethical principles.

Vision: Dream Boldly. Live Fully.

New Member Dues: $887 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $530 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Kappa Kappa Gamma National Website
Chapter Instagram


Pi Chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma

National Founding Date: November 26th, 1913

Chapter Founding Year:  1927

Organization Values: Friendship, Faith, Love, Sincerity, Integrity, and Strength

Mission: To inspire the personal development of each sister and perpetuate the advancement of womanhood.

Vision: To be a dynamic sisterhood of powerful women fostering uncompromising principles, igniting positive change, and embracing individuality.

New Member Dues: $842 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $842 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 weeks

Phi Sigma Sigma National Website
Chapter Instagram

Sigma Delta Tau Logo


Omega Chapter of Sigma Delta Tau

National Founding Date: March 25, 1917

Chapter Charter Date: April 27, 1946

Organization Values: Sigma Delta Tau’s core values are individuality, connection, engagement, and community.

Mission: The purpose of our sorority is diverse and far-reaching: to provide an extended family relationship – the home away from home – on campus, to furnish guidance for moral and ethical growth, to stimulate intellectual vitality and academic excellence, and to extend opportunities for leadership, community, and philanthropic endeavors and social activities. Sigma Delta Tau empowers each member to reach her fullest potential by enriching the experience of women with similar ideas, building lasting relationships, promoting civic responsibility, and fostering personal growth.

Vision: Sigma Delta Tau is a national sorority committed to Empowering Women! We do this through scholarship, service, sisterhood, and leadership. The special bond of sisterhood provides a unique connection that begins in college and lasts a lifetime. These distinctive ties of friendship provide a network of female support in every phase of a member’s life. These friendships will enrich a sister’s college experience, as well as provide exceptional connections in both personal and professional life after graduation.

New Member Dues: $1,210 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $1,008 per semester for Sophomores, $858 per semester for Juniors, $733 per semester for Seniors

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Sigma Delta Tau National Website
Chapter Website
Chapter Facebook
Chapter Instagram
Chapter Tumblr