- RSO Consultant or FASA Coach: Checks content and event details (if applicable).
- Digital Signage Content Coordinator: Checks for accessibility standards and overall design.
- Content is then sent to Student Experience IT for scheduling.
- Funding and event space must be approved and reserved.
- Date, time, location or address, and contact information must be shown clearly.
- No off-campus events unless Finance Board-approved transportation is provided.
- The following text must be included: “For questions, or to request accommodations, please contact [Email] by [Deadline]” where the deadline is at least one week prior to the event date.
- Image content will be displayed for 15 seconds. Please keep the amount of text to a minimum.
- Size (Please submit in both orientations):
- Portrait: 1080 x 1920 pixels
- Landscape: 1920 x 1080 pixels
- Please submit in both orientations
- Minimum Font Size: 27 pt
- Image Formats: JPG or PNG
- Accessible Color Contrast: Web AIM color checker
- Additional Video Requirements:
- MP4 format
- 30 seconds maximum
- No audio is supported, any dialogue must be closed captioned