Airport Transportation

Travel to Syracuse

When making flight arrangements, keep in mind that there are few direct flights to Syracuse from outside the U.S. You might consider making a connection to Syracuse from New York City, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Boston. There is also bus and train services from New York City, however, it is not very convenient to make the transfers and it also a relatively long trip by land (about 6 hours by train or bus).

For your convenience, our office has collaborated with the bus company, Ourbus. They can pick students up from either John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK) in New York City or Newark International Airport (EWR) in New Jersey.  Further information and registration details.

From the Syracuse Airport

It is very easy to take a taxi from the airport. There are two taxi stands located at each end of the terminal past the luggage area (the Syracuse airport is small and very manageable). Once you collect your luggage, go to either end to find the taxi stand; it’s inside the building. There you can arrange a taxi to Syracuse University or directly to your housing depending on your plans. Typical taxi fare is around $30, not including tip. Students can also use Uber or Lyft, and there is free Wi-Fi at the airport.

From the Train or Bus Station

If you are taking the train or bus from New York City to Syracuse, you will arrive at the Regional Transportation Center. Taxis are usually located outside the front door and are marked. Century is the most popular company, but there are other small independent companies. If you do not see any, you can call Century at 315-455-5151 and they will arrange for a taxi to come and get you. The cost is about $30, not including tip. Students can also use Uber or Lyft.