As you transition to college and the Orange community, you may encounter some new terminology. Students are encouraged to explore the list below and contact New Student Programs with any questions.
- Academic Year: The span of time that school is in session; split between two semesters.
- Bursar Account: A student’s bill and platform to facilitate payment.
- Credit Hours: The number of hours assigned to a class.
- Center for Disability Resources: Provides individual academic adjustments when environmental barriers cannot be eliminated, assistive technology that fosters independent, self-determined learners, and more.
- First-Generation College Student: First-generation is often referred to people that may be the first in their family to attend college or their parent(s), supporter(s) or legal guardian(s) did not receive a college degree.
- FTES: First Term Enrollment Selections; the first time students select course titles and topics.
- GA: Graduate Assistant
- GPA: Grade Point Average
- Office of Financial Aid: The University strives to meet the financial need of admitted students and offers a variety of funding options to help make college as affordable as possible.
- Orange Success: Connects students with academic advisors and faculty, and tracks degree progress.
- Syracuse University Scholars: Students who have reached the highest level of academic recognition at Syracuse University.
- TA: Teaching Assistant
- ‘CUSE Cash: Allows students to use their I.D. cards as prepaid credit at dining centers, University snack bars, campus convenience stores and more.
- ’Cuse Works: The resource for all things related to student employment and experiential learning.
- Goons or Goon Squad: Returning students who help new students move into residence halls; a campus tradition.
- Handshake: Syracuse University’s centralized career management tool. As a free resource, Handshake hosts available internships, professional employment and professional development opportunities available through ’Cuse Works, alumni and partners.
- OAD: Orange After Dark; late-night events hosted by Student Engagement.
- OL: Orientation Leader; student volunteers dedicated to helping new students transition to Syracuse University.
- Patient Portal: Helping enhance communications between students and the Barnes Center at The Arch health and wellness team.
- RSO: Registered Student Organization
- SA: Student Association
- The Hill: The Syracuse University campus.
- The Mount: Mount Olympus; home to Flint and Day Halls, as well as the Graham Fitness Center and Graham Dining Hall.
- UU: The University Union Programming Council is a student-operated organization that seeks to provide programs that entertain, educate and enhance student life.
- TTL: Transfer Transition Leader; student volunteers dedicated to helping mentor and support transfer students during their first year.
- Wellness Portal: A free and convenient digital platform hosted by the Barnes Center at The Arch that helps students register for health and wellness activities, make reservations and more!
At the Barnes Center at The Arch, all are encouraged and empowered to “Be Well” in their own unique, ever-evolving wellness journey. This holistic wellness approach encompasses mind, body, spirit and community. Exploration is encouraged by a variety of activities, resources and services available to meet unique health and wellness interests, schedules and goals.
- The Barner-McDuffie House is a place that acknowledges, validates and uplifts the Black experience, benefitting all students on the Syracuse University campus.
- 113 Euclid serves as a “home away from home” for Native students and a gathering place for those who are interested in exploring Native American culture and history.
- Cultural Centers: The Student Experience division is home to four cultural centers, each celebrating our richly diverse campus community. Working together, and with units across campus, the cultural centers promote and celebrate intersectionality and inclusion.
- Hendricks Chapel: Provides a diverse array of opportunities for people of all faiths and no faith to engage issues of spirituality, religion, and moral and ethical leadership. The campus community is invited to explore their spirituality through chaplaincies, religious groups, religious services, and sponsored events and activities.
- Office of Diversity and Inclusion: Works to thoroughly align and engage with the University’s multiple and varied equity, diversity, accessibility and inclusion efforts across each academic and administrative unit on our campus.
- Winnick Hillel Center: From hosting engaging programming to meaningful connections, the Winnick Hillel Center provides a wide variety of opportunities to connect Jewish faith, leadership and campus life.
Available in-person and virtually, Syracuse University Libraries are here to help students succeed. Get started by exploring the resources below.
- LLC: Living Learning Communities
- SL: The Student Living team.
- RA: Resident Advisor
- RD: Residence Director
- SUID: Syracuse University Student Identification Card
- 44: The number made famous by many Syracuse University athletes, also used in the 443 prefix for on-campus phones and within the 13244 zip code.
- Armory: Armory Square, located in downtown Syracuse.
- Centro: Local bus service provider.
- Citrus TV: Student-produced broadcast programming.
- College Place: Main Syracuse University shuttle pick-up and drop-off point, located next to Sims Hall.
- Connective Corridor: A community-wide project to link the neighborhoods, cultural venues and businesses in the City of Syracuse.
- Destiny: Destiny USA, the big mall in town, formerly called Carousel Center.
- DO: The Daily Orange; an independent student newspaper.
- FWS or Work-Study: Federal Work-Study
- Loud House: The JMA Wireless Dome
- M Street: Marshall Street; a place to shop and eat near campus.
- Orange Grove: A permanent tribute to individuals who have made Syracuse University the outstanding institution it is today.
- Orange Television Network (OTN): Syracuse University’s cable television station on Channel 2 or Channel 99 in the residence halls.
- Otto: Syracuse University’s mascot, “an orange with appeal.”
- People’s Place: Student-run coffee shop located in Hendricks Chapel.
- Quad: Grass square in the center of campus.
- Quad Shuttle: Syracuse University’s shuttle to campus parking lots and garages.
- Remembrance Scholarships: A memorial scholarship program to honor the 35 Syracuse University students who were among the victims of the fatal Pan Am 103 terrorist bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland on Dec. 21, 1988.
- ROTC: Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
- RTC: Regional Transportation Center located at 1 Walsh Circle. This is a one-stop center for intercity and local travel via Centro, Greyhound, Megabus, Trailways and Amtrak.
- Salt City: Syracuse’s nickname.
- Skytop or South: South Campus