Absence Notifications

Offering a strong foundation, Student Outreach and Support alongside campus partners are here to help remove hurdles and find success.

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Types of Absences

Absences which warrant an absence notification may include, but are not limited to: alleged victim of a crime, personal illness or personal injury that result in hospitalization, or death of family member or close friend.

  • Extended Absences (48 hours or more): Students may contact Student Outreach and Support and documentation will be required to support the absence. Using Orange Success, a case manager will send an absence notification to faculty.
  • Absences (Less than 48 hours): Students should discuss academic arrangements directly with their faculty.
  • Emergency Absences: When a student experiences an emergency that keeps them from attending classes for an extended period of time, case managers in Student Outreach and Support are able to notify the student’s home college about their absences. If the student is unable to contact a case manager, a family member or staff member may contact us to request an absence notification when a student will have short-term and/or unexpected absences from the University. Case managers will provide appropriate notifications to home school/college and/or faculty on the student’s behalf.

Important Details About Absences

  • An absence notification is sent only as a convenience and does not excuse the absence or replace the absence policy listed on the course syllabus. Faculty may excuse the absence at their own discretion.
  • An absence notification is prepared for a student for emergency/critical situations only (e.g. illness/injury, hospitalization, death in family, alleged victim of a crime, etc.).
  • An absence notification request must be made within two (2) weeks of the last day of the absence. For example, if a student is absent from classes August 1st to August 3rd, the request for the notification would need to be made no later than August 17th.
  • A student should always speak to their faculty directly to arrange making up any missed work.
  • When possible, Student Outreach and Support should be contacted prior to the student leaving campus and not after the student has returned.
  • Student Outreach and Support does NOT provide absence notifications for interviews, planned appointments or personal engagements (e.g., vacations or weddings). For pre-planned class absences, students are encouraged to speak directly with faculty to make a plan for missed classes and coursework.
  • For absence notifications for religious observances, students are encouraged to submit their religious observances in MySlice at the beginning of the semester. For more information, visit the Religious Observance Policy.

Returning from Absences

Upon returning, the student may need to provide documentation for the absence to the home school/college and/or faculty, if requested. The student should remember that they will need to speak directly with each professor as soon as they are able to make arrangements to complete any necessary work.

Frequently Asked Questions

An absence notification is official notification sent out to instructors to inform them of a student’s documented absence.

Required documentation will vary based on the individual situation, but may include items such as hospital documentation, online link to obituary, funeral cards, Department of Public Safety or Syracuse Police Department reports, etc.

The Barnes Center at The Arch will provide documentation directly to case managers in Student Outreach and Support for any student treated who is required to be out of class for 48 hours or more. Case managers will in turn provide the absence notification to faculty.

No. Whether an absence is “excused” is at the discretion of the individual professor and/or department.

Class assignments and work arrangements will vary based on individual class/instructor requirements. All students should be in direct contact with their instructor to discuss arrangements.

Typically, an absence must be 48 hours or more for Student Outreach and Support to send out the absence notification. However, in instances such as, but not limited to, sexual assault, psychiatric evaluation and incapacitation, exceptions will be made.

Contact a case manager in Student Outreach and Support by email or by calling 315.443.4357 (HELP) to discuss your situation and create a support plan.

Typically, absence notifications are sent to instructors via Orange Success.

Contact your professor for any absence less than 48 hours. If any questions remain, feel free to contact your home/school college support office and/or Student Outreach and Support.

Contact a case manager in Student Outreach and Support by email or by calling 315.443.4357 (HELP).

Contact a case manager in Student Outreach and Support by email or by calling 315.443.4357 (HELP).