Fall 2025: Move-In Save the Date
Details regarding Fall 2025 New Student Move-In are still being finalized. Please save the dates below. Please note that these are subject to change until January 31, 2025.
- Friday, Aug. 15-Sunday, Aug. 17, 2025: New International Student Move-In
- Monday, Aug. 18, 2025, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.: Early Arrival/Pre-Welcome Program Move-In
- Monday, Aug. 18, 2025, 2-5 p.m.: Students from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Move-In
- Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2025, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.: Students from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Move-In
- Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2025, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.: Students from all other states and territories Move-In
Explore the FAQs webpage for details as to why move-in is scheduled in this way, how you can make travel arrangements and more.
Living On-Campus
As a required task, new students are asked to first apply for housing. Find complete instructions, including the deadline, on the Required Tasks webpage.
Housing, Meal Plan, and I.D. Card Services will notify students of their housing assignment and roommate around mid-July through their Syracuse email address (i.e. @syr.edu). Move-In Registration details are included in that email.
- Assignments reflect a random placement into one of 16 residential facilities on both North and South Campus.
- All new first-year students are placed on North Campus while new transfer students are traditionally placed into the transfer student community within the South Campus Skyhalls.
- Please understand that the University will not grant room changes for any reason prior to your on-campus arrival. Collectively as a University, we believe that the residential college experience is about learning new things and meeting/living with people who are different from you. We think that you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the connections that you can make when you step outside of your comfort zone.
Students are strongly encouraged to contact their roommate to become acquainted and begin a discussion on sharing a room. Students will have some important things to discuss and consider as they begin a new roommate relationship. Once settled into their room, students will have follow-up discussions and complete a roommate agreement, administered through Student Living. We realize that sharing a living space with someone new can create anxiety and stress for some, but we’re hopeful that students will be able to connect with new roommates prior to coming to campus and get to know one another.
Residence Hall Details
Visit the New Student Checklists webpage for a packing checklist and more.
Once you receive your housing and roommate assignment, it is recommended that you explore building floor plans. All student rooms are furnished with a bed (extra-long twin 36”x80”), dresser, desk, desk chair and closet or wardrobe for each student.
Shipping Before Move In
North Campus Residence Halls: Residence halls will be prepared to begin receiving packages to help lighten the load of traveling to Syracuse!
- Package Acceptance Begins (Do not ship items prior to this date.): Friday, Aug. 15, 2025
South Campus Apartments: All packages will be delivered directly to the outside of your apartment by the shipping carrier. Therefore, only ship items to arrive AFTER you have moved in so that you move your belongings into your apartment as soon as possible.
Campus Mailboxes
Mailboxes are assigned during check-in.
- Residence Hall Mailboxes: Are located within the residence hall.
- South Campus Apartments: Mailboxes are hosted within a mailbox cluster. These are located close to apartments, along walkways and driveways. Clusters also contain package delivery boxes for large items.
Campus Addresses
- Locating Shipping and Mailing Address: This is displayed on the housing assignment confirmation.
- Do not include “Syracuse University” in the mailing address.
- For exact street addresses of residential facilities, please visit the Residence Halls webpage.
Residence Halls Address Template | South Campus Apartments Address Template |
Full Name
Residence Hall Street Address Syracuse, NY 13244 |
Full Name
Building Number, Street Name Apartment Number Syracuse, NY 13244 |
- Housekeeping: A full-time University housekeeping staff employed by Facility Services cleans lounges, public bathrooms and other public areas seven days a week. Students are responsible for cleaning their own room.
- Laundry: Clothes washers and dryers are provided in all residence halls and on South Campus for any residential student—no money needed! The Syracuse University Campus Store offers a dry cleaning service.
- Linens: Students will need to bring their own bed linens, pillows and towels to campus.
- Storage: There is no storage in the residence halls or South Campus apartments for the summer or a semester abroad. Lazybones is the University’s official storage company for students. Learn more today!