The Upperclass LLC sign-up process is now closed. Thank you for your interest in joining the Upperclass LLC Housing sign-up waitlist for Fall 25. Please complete the following form to request placement on our waitlist.

Please note that there is no guarantee that there will be any open spots to place you and take you off the waitlist. You will need to make sure you are participating in the general housing round the week of March 24th- March 28th.

You will be notified via email if there is an opportunity to be taken off the waitlist and placed in an LLC or theme housing between now and April 11th.

Living Learning Community Application Process 

The upperclass student Living Learning Community (LLC) application is open to current students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors in Fall 2025. No prior LLC experience is necessary. Selection is also agreeing to participate fully (e.g. LLC classes, events). If you are interested in participating in a upperclass LLC you should indicate your preference through the online Housing application. You may only select one upperclass LLC on the application. 

Your upperclass LLC application must be completed by Wednesday March 12th, 2025 which is the same day the Housing application closes. You will then participate in the room selection process for the upperclass LLC on Tuesday March 18th, 2025.

Special Note:

In addition to the housing contract, the following LLCs require a supplemental application. These supplemental applications must be complete by Sunday February 23rd, 2025 at 11:59p.m.

See links to supplemental applications below:

Below are the living learning community options available for upperclass students as well as step-by-step directions of the sign-up process.

LLC Options

Sophomore Only Options:

  • MORE in Architecture LLC (supplemental application, deadline February 23rd)
  • MORE in Honors (supplemental application deadline February 23rd)
  • MORE in Leadership LLC (supplemental application, deadline February 23rd)
  • Substance Free Housing

Sophomore, Junior, Senior Options:

  • Indigenous LLC
  • Upperclass Multicultural LLC – Ernie Davis
  • Upperclass Multicultural LLC – Watson

Upperclass LLC Application Process 

  • Click on the Housing Portal link, that can be found in MySlice.
  • Click “Login” at the top, right side of the Housing Portal.
  •  Click “Housing Application” at the top, left side of the Housing Portal.
  •  Start completing your housing application. 
  •  When the question arrives to indicate whether you would like to participate in an LLC, click “Add” to add your LLC choice, select the LLC name from the drop down, and then click “OK” to save your choice. “Save & Continue.”  Finish the rest of the Housing application and submit.  

LLCs are limited to specific floors within specific residence halls which can be found in each LLC description. Additional information is available on the Housing, Meal Plan, and I.D. Card Services Room Selection webpage. For questions about the application process, please email the Housing Office or call 315.443.2721.

Additional Information 

Sunday, February 23, 2025MORE in Architecture, MORE in Honors & MORE in Leadership supplemental applications closeStudents interested in joining these three LLCs will have supplemental applications that need to be completed for placement in said LLCs.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025Housing Contract ClosesStudents will need to complete their housing contract by this date if they would like to participate in LLC room selection.
Monday, March 17, 2025Roommate Confirmation   It is required that roommate groups be organized prior to LLC Room selection in order to fill the rooms to capacity. Additional information is available on the Housing, Meal Plan, and I.D. Card Services Roommate Options for Room Selection webpage.
Monday, March 17, 2025LLC Round Selection Schedule AssignmentsStudents will receive a notification when assignment times are posted in MySlice on the Housing Self-Service page (sharing the time to select a room). 
Tuesday, March 18, 2025LLC Round Selection  During the LLC Round assigned time, students may complete the LLC Room selection process.
Friday, March 21, 2025Confirmation of LLC PlacementStudents will receive a welcome email from the LLC Office confirming placement in their LLC for 2025-26.

Finding & Selecting a Roommate 

 The Housing Office utilizes a roommate compatibility feature within your Housing Self-Service to assist in searching for a compatible roommate. Through this, you will be able to find other students who share your LLC interests. Please make sure you and your selected roommate have selected the LLC preference in your housing application.

Within your Housing portal, you will be able to complete your Roommate Questionnaire that provides you with an opportunity to connect with fellow students and to identify a roommate On this tab in the Housing portal, students will be able to answer questions about their habits and hobbies, and select attributes to discover what they have in common with other Syracuse students.  

Once the Housing contract opens the roommate matching feature will be available, where you will be able to select and confirm your chosen roommate. Keep in mind that as Spring goes on and more students complete the Housing application, your pool of possible connections and roommates will grow. Make a point to periodically return to the Roommate Selection tab to check to see what new connections are available.