The purpose of the PFC is to promote and enhance professional fraternities on campus by serving as a cooperative forum for sharing ideas, information, experiences and concerns, increasing the awareness of professional fraternities on campus and creating a spirit of fellowship among students. The result is that students are able to further explore their passions and interests alongside those that share these ambitions, creating a spirit of fellowship among students.
PFCs exist to stimulate interaction among its member groups, its respective administration, and on-campus opportunities.
Syracuse University is home to 7 PFC Chapters:
- Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity
- Alpha Omega Epsilon Sorority
- Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity
- Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity
- Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity
- Kappa Delta Pi Fraternity
- Phi Delta Epsilon Fraternity
Learn More About PFC Chapters:
Gender Inclusive Fraternity
Alpha Omicron Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi
National Founding Date: October 5, 1904 at New York University
Chapter Charter Date: Spring 2011
Organization Values:
Brotherhood – Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship, and aid to Brother Members is the expected norm.
Knowledge – Education and experience, whether gained in the classroom or the workplace, is emphasized and shared. Integrity – All actions, whether in business or in life, are guided by honesty, ethics, and fairness.
Service – Sharing of time, talent, and treasure with both communities and our Fraternity is a priority Unity – A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation, and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future
Mission: The mission of the foundation is providing resources for enhancing the educational experience of future business leaders.
Vision: Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders.
New Member Dues: TBD
Active Member Dues: TBD
Length of New Member Period: up to 6 Weeks
Alpha Kappa Psi National’s Website
Chapter Website
Chapter Instagram
Zeta Chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon
National Founding Date: November 13, 1983
Chapter Founding Date: April 26, 1997
Organization Values:
The fundamental beliefs of Alpha Omega Epsilon: We value the INDIVIDUALITY of our Chapters and our members as this is what makes our family unique. We value RESPONSIBILITY by making decisions based upon good judgment, following through with those decisions, and being held accountable for those decisions. We value the effect positive LEADERSHIP has on our Sorority and provide opportunities for leadership to develop and flourish. We value the PROFESSIONALISM of our members as we treat each other with the dignity and respect each of us deserves. We value our VOLUNTEERS who fulfill their obligations for the betterment of the Sorority. We value FRIENDSHIP by being loyal to each other, caring for each other, and recognizing the value inherent in each individual member.
Mission: Alpha Omega Epsilon is a professional and social sorority founded in 1983 that promotes friendship, leadership, and professionalism to all members of the organization, the community, and our professions.
The future Alpha Omega Epsilon seeks to create the following: Alpha Omega Epsilon is the spirit of women in STEM fields, devoted to an enriching and life-changing experience for our members. Sisters commit to a lifelong engagement with Alpha Omega Epsilon by reinforcing the bonds between each other and enhancing the experiences of future generations of all types of scientists. The Sorority grows by developing successful members and instilling our core values in our membership. Our recognized and trusted brand represents the well-rounded engineer and technical scientist, inspiring pride in our Sisters. Our infrastructure, business processes, and expansion efforts provide a sustained competitive advantage. And, our network of diverse and talented volunteers is aligned in the relentless pursuit of our common purpose.
New Member Dues: $40
Active Member Dues: $150
Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks
Alpha Omega Epsilon’s National Website
Chapter Website
Chapter Facebook
Chapter Instagram
Chapter Twitter
Gender Inclusive Fraternity
Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega
National Founding Year: December 16, 1925
Chapter Founding Year: October 2, 1931
Organization Values: Alpha Phi Omega teaches through the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service that we are architects of our own ambitions and that each of us has the opportunity to develop ourselves to be whatever we seek to be.
Mission: Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity’s mission is to provide a foundation of leadership skills to its members that is developed through service to others.
Vision: It is the vision of Alpha Phi Omega to create inclusive communities for a more peaceful world in which to make a life, by developing leaders, uniting members through friendship, and rendering service to all.
New Member Dues: $100 for the first semester
Active Member Dues: $65 per semester
Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks
Alpha Rho Chi – Skopas Chapter
National Founding Date: April 11, 1914
Chapter Founding Year: May 8, 2021
Organization Values:
LEADERSHIP. The ability to act with empathy, strive to have positive impacts on one’s affiliations, and exhibit a high degree of integrity in all pursuits. PNMs should share past experiences of leadership, and demonstrate a commitment to the value of self-governance in a professional student organization. It is not required to have served in a leadership position prior to recruitment, nor to serve in a leadership position once a part of Alpha Rho Chi.
SERVICE. The dedication of time and resources to our communities, our professions, and our fraternity. PNMs should share past experiences of service and demonstrate a commitment to working toward the betterment of their communities and themselves.
PROFESSIONALISM. The ability to act maturely in professional environments, respect and acknowledge the ideas and perspectives of one’s peers, and uphold important personal values. PNMs should share past experiences of professional or academic involvements and accomplishments, and demonstrate express dedication to growing individually and helping others grow as architecture and design professionals.
FRATERNALISM. The ability to actively participate in one’s organizations and communities, work towards creating a safe and inclusive environment for one’s peers, and always act with kindness and humility. PNMs should demonstrate an express ability to work well with others, and be motivated to join the Skopas family.
Mission: Our student and alumni members study and practice architecture, interior design, architectural engineering, landscape architecture, and related disciplines. Alpha Rho Chi is a charter member of the Professional Fraternity Association.
Vision: Alpha Rho Chi was established as a fraternity for architecture and allied arts. We strive to unite designers under our motto Fidelitas, Amor et Artes or “Fidelity and Love of the Arts as well as our mutual interest in professionalism.
New Member Dues: $200 for the first semester
Active Member Dues: $160 per semester
Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks
National Website: https://alpharhochi.org/
Instagram: @apxskopas
Gender Inclusive Fraternity
Xi Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi
National Founding Date: November 7, 1907
Chapter Installation Date: March 31, 2001
Organization Values: Delta Sigma Pi employs a rigorous program of professional development for our members, beginning with collegiate membership and continuing for life. Our members enjoy high-quality training, frequent events with business and cultural leaders, opportunities to mentor and be mentored by leaders in their fields, and supportive friendships that strengthen both professional and personal success and fulfillment. Our Fraternity is uniquely committed to diversity in all of our chapters. As the nation’s first co-ed business fraternity and one of the most diverse Greek organizations, Delta Sigma Pi believes that individuals and organizations benefit from a wide range of perspectives, and we cultivate a culture of respect that broadens our viewpoints and makes us stronger and more effective leaders in our fields. Our training and events focus on fostering respectful, sound, ethical standards that are inclusive yet principled. Delta Sigma Pi members learn to cultivate an attitude of service to our communities, supporting the cultural and civic organizations that impact the lives of individuals and families wherever we live with our time, talents, and treasure. This commitment to philanthropy and service characterizes our alumni and collegiate chapters. Throughout Delta Sigma Pi’s leadership education, we emphasize ethical leadership that leads to lasting impact. Delta Sigma Pi is a great way to build lifelong friendships and develop an extensive network of other business professionals. At Fraternity events you’ll make connections with other collegiate and alumni members, and no matter where you go, you can count on your Delta Sigma Pi brothers to support you both personally and professionally.
Mission: Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.
Vision: We believe that the primary purpose of a business fraternity is to prepare students to be ethical leaders in their careers, but membership in Delta Sigma Pi extends far beyond the undergraduate experience. We are known as the foremost business fraternity because we equip our members throughout their lives to achieve maximum impact in their studies, careers, communities, civic involvement, and personal relationships.
New Member Dues: $200 for the first semester
Active Member Dues: $150 per semester
Length of New Member Period: 7 weeks
Delta Sigma Pi’s National Website
Chapter Website
Chapter Instagram
Alpha Iota Delta chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society
National Founding Date: March 8, 1911
Chapter Charter Date: November 24, 2017
Organization Values:
Community: A united network of educators connected both in person and online. We support each other’s professional growth, collaborate on ideas, and make a positive impact—both locally and globally—through our shared passion and purpose. You belong here!
Belonging: A welcoming and inclusive space where your voice is cherished and diversity is celebrated. You are safe, accepted, and empowered to contribute your unique perspective. We are your people!
Leadership: A catalyst for positive change, using our influence to inspire and guide others with integrity. We are lifelong learners dedicated to developing the next generation and the future of our profession. We are powerful together!
Celebration: Honoring achievements and milestones through joyful recognition. We celebrate and advance the art of teaching through awards, ceremonies, and fun-filled memorable experiences. We uplift one another!
Mission: Kappa Delta Pi inspires and equips teachers to thrive. KDP is an International Honor Society dedicated to scholarship and excellence in education. The Society as a community of scholars dedicated to worthy ideals:
- a) Recognizes scholarship and excellence in education.
- b) Promotes the development and dissemination of worthy educational ideals and practices.
- c) Enhances the continuous professional growth and leadership of its diverse membership.
- d) Fosters inquiry and reflection on significant educational issues.
- e) Maintains a high degree of professional fellowship.
Vision: Excellent teachers build thriving communities and create lifelong opportunities by providing quality, equitable education for all.
New Member Dues: $80 ($65 one-time payment to nationals + $15 local dues)
Active Member Dues: $15 per semester
Length of New Member Period: 24-hour
Co-Ed Fraternity
New York Nu Chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon
National Founding Date: October 13, 1904
Chapter Charter Date: April 14, 2012
Organization Values: Philanthropy, Deity, and Equity & Education
Mission: Phi Delta Epsilon Medical Fraternity creates physicians of integrity with a lifelong commitment to our guiding principles.
New Member Dues: TBD
Active Member Dues: TBD
Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks