Interfraternity Council

Interfraternity Council Logo

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is governed by the North American Interfraternity Conference, which is an association of collegiate men’s fraternities that was formally organized in 1910, although it began on November 27, 1909. The power of the organization rests in a House of Delegates in which each member fraternity is represented by a single delegate.

Syracuse University is home to 15 IFC Fraternities:

  • Alpha Phi Delta (Coming Spring 2024)
  • Delta Chi
  • Delta Kappa Epsilon
  • Delta Tau Delta
  • Delta Upsilon
  • Lambda Chi Alpha
  • Phi Kappa Psi
  • Pi Kappa Alpha (Coming Fall 2024)
  • Psi Upsilon
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon (Coming Spring 2024)
  • Sigma Alpha Mu
  • Sigma Chi
  • Tau Kappa Epsilon
  • Theta Chi
  • Zeta Beta Tau

Learn More About IFC Fraternities:


Syracuse Chapter of Delta Chi

National Founding Date: October 13, 1890

Chapter Charter Year: May 24, 1899

Organization Values: The 4 Pillars of Delta Chi are to promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education, as stated in our preamble and mission statement.

Mission & Vision: Our organization's mission statement can be found in the preamble of our fraternity's constitution, and is as follows: “We, the members of The Delta Chi Fraternity, believing that great advantages are to be derived from a brotherhood of college and university men, appreciating that close association may promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

Vision: To create a bond that will not only last during your time here at Syracuse but that will stay connected for the rest of your life no matter the situation.

New Member Dues: $300 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $700 (before available discounts)

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Delta Chi National Website
Chapter Instagram

Delta Kappa Epsilon Building Exterior


Phi Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon

National Founding Date: June 22nd, 1844

Chapter Founding Date: November 17th, 1871

Organization Values:

  • Cultivation of General Literature and Social Culture
  • Advancement and Encouragement of Intellectual Excellence
  • Development of a Spirit of Tolerance and Respect for the Right and Views of Others
  • Union of Stout Hearts and Kindred Interests to Secure to Merit its Due Reward

Mission: DKE strives to develop a culture and an expectation of​ undergraduate​ chapters who perform in the top tier of fraternities at their institutions​;​ and a vibrant network of ​alumni who are motivated to stay involved with the fraternity after graduation. We will do this by providing our undergraduates with the leadership​ skills, and the operational resources they need, to excel in today’s Greek environment, and by developing alumni networking programs that are relevant and engaging, and are beneficial to both alumni and undergraduates.

Vision: To be a highly respected fraternity, located at premier institutions, focused on excellent chapter performance, populated with men of distinction whose behavior is exemplary in all respects, who go on to become leaders in their chosen fields of endeavor, and who personify the motto created by our Founding Fathers, “Gentlemen, Scholars, and Jolly Good-Fellows.”

New Member Dues: $300 for the first semester

Active Member Dues: $1,000 per semester

Length of New Member Period: 6 weeks

Delta Kappa Epsilon's National Website


Delta Tau Delta - Gamma Omicron Chapter

National Founding Date:  January 1, 1858

Chapter Founding Date:  First founded at Syracuse in 1910.  Recolonizing in the Fall of 2023

Organization Values: Values: Truth, Courage, Faith, and Power

Mission: Committed to Lives of Excellence. We guide men through our programs and our values so that they will have the confidence and tools to serve their fellow man. The Delta Tau Delta experience has fostered innovators, advocates, change agents and community leaders by affecting the world through self-discovery.

Vision: Integrity is Essential: Integrity means doing what you say you will do. Integrity establishes credibility for yourself and the Fraternity and having it means others can trust you, believe you, and count on you.

Accountability is Fundamental to all Commitments:  Accountability means holding to your promises, making you responsible for both your words and your actions.

Lifelong Learning and Growth are Vital: There is no status quo in the pursuit of excellence – you are either moving ahead through continuous growth and learning or going backward and slowly narrowing your choices and opportunities in life. There is no point in today’s world where one can afford to stop learning and growing.

Strengthening Community is Essential to our Vitality: The pursuit of a life of excellence must occur through constant interaction with many different communities. Therefore, a strong community is vital for your future, as well as the Fraternity’s.

Brotherhood Sustains Us: Delta Tau Delta is an organization that relies on Brotherhood to hold us together. Brotherhood involves individual responsibility to one’s self and to others.

New Member Dues: $85 + local dues ($350-450)

Active Member Dues: $85 + local dues ($350-450)

Length of New Member Period:  The Expansion project is October 1 - 29, 2023.  6 weeks

Delta Tau Delta National Website


Syracuse Chapter of Delta Upsilon

National Founding Date: November 4, 1834

Chapter Founding Date: Originally November 14, 1873. Most recent charter: January 27, 2018

Organization Values:

  • The Promotion of Friendship
  • The Development of Character
  • The Diffusion of Liberal Culture
  • The Advancement of Justice

Mission: Building Better Men

Vision: Delta Upsilon is the world’s oldest non-secret, non-hazing fraternity. We believe that if we want our brothers to live our mission of Building Better Men and by our founding values and principles, why would we keep any of that a secret? In Delta Upsilon, you are able to tell the world exactly what your membership means, then prove it through your actions.

New Member Dues: $1,150

Active Member Dues: $850

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Delta Upsilon National Website

Instagram: @deltaupsilonsu


Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha

National Founding Date: November 2, 1909

Chapter Charter Year: 1918

Organization Values: Lambda Chi Alpha’s Seven Core Values—loyalty, duty, respect, service and stewardship, honor, integrity, and personal courage—provide a moral compass for members of the Fraternity.

Mission: To inspire and equip men to lead an ethical life of growth, service, and leadership.

Vision: To prepare and encourage collegiate men of good charter, high ethics, and noble ideals to contribute positively to the world in which they live. When Lambda Chi Alpha ended its pledging program in 1972, it was the first fraternity to do so.

New Member Dues: TBD

Active Member Dues:  TBD

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Lambda Chi Alpha National Website

Phi Kappa Psi Building Exterior


The New York Beta Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi

National Founding Date: February 19, 1852

Chapter Charter Date: April 18, 1884

Organization Values: Brotherhood, Service to Community, Academic Excellence, Respect for the Dignity of Others, & Personal Integrity.

Mission: The Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity engages men of integrity, further develops their intellect, and enhances community involvement. With a legacy built on acceptance and trust, each brother realizes his highest potential through a lifelong experience of service and excellence.

New Member Dues: TBD

Active Member Dues: TBD

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Phi Kappa Psi National Website

Psi Upsilon Group Photo


Pi Chapter of Psi Upsilon

National Founding Date: November 24, 1833

Chapter Charter Year: 1875

Organization Values: Psi Upsilon values lifelong friendship, moral leadership, intellectual engagement, responsible social conduct, and service to society.

Mission: United in friendship, Psi Upsilon members aspire to moral, intellectual, and social excellence in themselves as they seek to inspire these values in society.

New Member Dues: TBD

Active Member Dues: TBD

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Psi Upsilon National Website
















Sigma Alpha Epsilon - - New York Delta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon

National Founding Date:  March 9, 1856

Chapter Charter Year: February 22, 1907

Organization Values: Friendship, Scholarship, Leadership, Service

Mission: Advancing the highest standards of friendship, scholarship, leadership and service for our members throughout life.

Vision: True Gentlemen making our global community better.

New Member Dues:  TBD

Active Member Dues:  TBD

Length of New Member Process: None. We follow a 96-hour bid to initiation timeline.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon National Website

Chapter Instagram


Sigma Alpha Mu - Eta Chapter

National Founding Year:  1909

Chapter Charter Year:  1913

Organization Values:  Our core values are True Manhood, Democracy, and Humanity. We strive to represent these through our leadership in and out of the classroom on campus as well as our commitment to our philanthropy, the Judy Fund. The Eta chapter returned to Syracuse University in 2021 and since then they have grown as a chapter and as people.

Mission:  Sigma Alpha Mu’s Mission is to foster the development of collegiate men and our alumni by instilling strong fraternal values, offering social and service opportunities, encouraging academic excellence and teaching leadership skills. We will continue to attract members of all beliefs who appreciate our great heritage as a fraternity of Jewish men.

Vision:  Our vision as a fraternity is to work to be respected men and leaders in all aspects of life. Sigma Alpha Mu elevates and encourages our members to better themselves. They re-established our fraternity with an emphasis on brotherhood and philanthropy. They wanted to work to change the stereotypes around fraternities and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

New Member Dues:  About $1,300 for the first semester

Active Member Dues:  $800 per semester

Length of New Member Process: 6 weeks

Sigma Alpha Mu National Website


Psi Psi Chapter of Sigma Chi

National Founding Date: June 28, 1855

Chapter Founding Date: 1904

Organization Values: Our core values are those of the original founders. 7 values for the 7 original founders. -Courage -Wisdom -Integrity -High Ambition -Self Control -Courtesy -Fidelity

Mission: Sigma Chi's mission is to foster a brotherhood of transformational leaders who are committed to friendship, justice, and learning. In the pursuit of these high ideals, the Sigma Chi International Fraternity is able to offer tremendous value in augmenting the collegiate experience and supporting the lifelong journey of each of its members. We hope to assist brothers in becoming men of character, caring husbands, compassionate fathers, and community leaders.

Vision: Our vision is to inspire and empower our brothers to positively impact the world.

New Member Dues: $500

Active Member Dues: TBD

Length of New Member Period: 5 Weeks

Sigma Chi National Website

Chapter Instagram


Iota Zeta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon

National Founding Date: January 10, 1899

Chapter Founding Date:  February 8, 2023


1. We regard mental development as of vital importance, but of equal consequence is the acquisition of a knowledge of men and a proper conception of their relation to one another.

2. We maintain that exclusiveness is the direct antithesis of a true fraternity. We condemn policies of college fraternities in their attitude of contempt to all who are without the bonds of fraternities, regardless of character, ability or personal merits. Such policies we seek to avoid, as they are destructive of the very ends of true fraternity.

3. We believe that a fraternity should be a brotherhood in conduct as well as in name.

4. We consider no man from the standpoint of those qualities and advantages he has not attained by personal effort. We stand for men whose manhood has withstood the test of trying conditions. We deem sterling character and staunch uprightness to be necessary qualifications to membership in this fraternity.

Mission: Tau Kappa Epsilon seeks to aid our men in their mental, moral, and social development for life.

Vision:  We challenge our members to live up to the standard of excellence on a daily basis. Our principles provide an environment where members are encouraged to develop strong skills for scholarship, character, leadership, teamwork service and brotherhood; the attributes that build success and happiness throughout life.

New Member Dues: TBD

Active Member Dues: TBD

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Tau Kappa Epsilon National Website

Theta Chi Group Photo
Alpha Chi Chapter of Theta Chi

National Founding Date: April 10, 1856

Chapter Founding Date: April 21, 1928

Organization Values:

  • True Friendship; we extend an “Assisting Hand” to one another; we seek to exact harmony and prevent strife among our members
  • The primacy of Alma Mater; we are loyal students and alumni for life
  • The promotion of knowledge and the advancement of culture
  • The virtues of Truth, Temperance, and Tolerance
  • The usefulness of our Fraternity; we seek the mutual benefit and improvement of all our members and strive to serve our country and our fellow man

Mission: Has been dedicated to developing resolute men. The Fraternity's programs are designed specifically to assist college-aged men to become outstanding sons, brothers, fathers, uncles, and models of male behavior in society.

New Member Dues: TBD

Active Member Dues: TBD

Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Theta Chi National Website