Syracuse University’s Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) is home to seven fraternities and sororities.
By setting the highest standards of membership, university administrations know that they have a partner in the success of our member organizations’ chapters. When issues arise affecting our community, we are able to mobilize and advocate as one strong, unified voice.
Syracuse University is home to 7 MGC Organizations:
- alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority
- Delta Phi Omega Sorority
- Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority
- Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity
- Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority
- Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity
- Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority
Learn More About MGC Organizations:
Syracuse University Pre-Associate Chapter
National Founding Date: 1990
Chapter Charter Date: 2019
Organization Pillars: Sisterhood, Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Asian-Awareness Core Values: Compassion, Friendship, Integrity, Purpose-Driven, Authenticity.
Mission: The sisterhood of alpha Kappa Delta Phi provides women with a sense of belonging that nurtures life-long friendships, develops self-empowered leaders, and strengthens communities through service, scholarship, and Asian-Awareness.
Vision: aKDPhi envisions a worldwide network of respected, confident women who elevate each other and their communities through compassionate, purpose-driven leadership that ensures diversity, encourages innovation, and promotes collaboration.
New Member Dues: $80 for the first semester
Active Member Dues: $150 per semester
Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks
alpha Kappa Delta Phi International’s Website
Chapter Website
Chapter Instagram
Chapter Facebook
Gamma Chapter of Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
National Founding Date: March 9, 1995
Chapter Charter Date: November 16, 1997
Organization Values: Sisterhood, Service, and Cultural Diversity
Mission: We, the sisters of the Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., strive to strengthen Sisterhood amongst women by providing Service and promoting Cultural Diversity to our members and our community, thus securing the bond of kinship for posterity.
Vision: We hope to educate others into knowing that culture is more than just an ethnicity, it is the unifying factor that makes everyone unique. A sense of belonging is defined not by the color of one’s skin, but the strength of one’s heart.
New Member Dues: TBD
Active Member Dues: TBD
Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Beta Gamma Chapter of Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Inc.
National Founding Date: February 25, 1981
Chapter Charter Date: March 28, 2017
Organization Values: Promote academic achievement. Promote brotherhood among men. Promote social interaction among people. Provide philanthropy for worthy causes. Promote a sense of belonging. Develop individual skills and leadership abilities in young men. Promote interaction among people of different ethnic heritage. Develop a sense of identity for Asian American men on campus. Provide an insight into the Asian American culture for people of non-Asian descent. Develop each individual member to his fullest potential.
Mission: To guide men on a lifelong discovery of authenticity and personal growth.
Vision: To be leaders among men.
New Member Dues: $500
Active Member Dues: $375
Length of New Member Period: 8 Weeks
Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. – Gaia Chapter
National Founding Date: November 21, 1981
Chapter Charter Date: April 1, 2006
Organization Values: Academic Excellence, Unity Amongst All Women, University and Community Service
Mission: In 1981, our founding mothers saw the need for a sorority that crossed the societal boundaries of race, religion, culture, and class. While other Greek organizations are and continue to grow more diverse, our organization foundation is based on diversity and our sisters embrace multicultural ideals and interests; we speak to use our sorority as a vehicle to educate the surrounding campus and community on issues of diversity.
Vision: We recognize that diversity is not limited to race, and we are proud to say we have achieved a sisterhood which is quite diverse with respect to not only race, but religious heritage, geographic origin, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, nationality, political ideology, and even choice of major and career. Ultimately, multiculturalism is the belief that there is inherent value in discovering, understanding, and appreciating all the ways in which people are different from each other. It is for this reason that we differentiate ourselves, in name and in purpose, from Greek organizations with the word “MUlticultural”.
New Member Dues: TBD
Active Member Dues: TBD
National Website: https://www.msu1981.org/

Alpha Nu chapter of Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, Inc.
National Founding Date: August 16, 1996
Associate Chapter Charter Date: May 6, 2006
Organization Values: Society, Brotherhood, & Remembrance
Mission: To cultivate a global leadership network, founded in brotherhood, and impassioned by service to each other and our world.
Vision: This applies not just to accepting and celebrating the cultural, racial, sexual, and other differences that characterize our membership, but to an understanding of brotherhood beyond the ranks of our own organization – not just Greek unity, but humanity as a whole. This is imagined as an ideal for which we strive – to make a positive impact in and on the lives of others irrespective of difference.
New Member Dues: TBD
Active Member Dues: TBD
Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks

Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.
National Founding Date: March 23, 1994
Chapter Charter Date: March 23, 2018
Organization Values: Integrity, Community, Legacy, Sisterhood, Scholarship, Culture, Philanthropy, Citizenship, Professionalism, & Activism
To promote unity of women and the awareness of the Asian/Asian American culture and heritages. Goal: To best demonstrate sisterhood and allegiance by merging all efforts and interests to provide an invaluable experience for the sisters and services to the local communities and community at large.
Vision: To become a national organization uniting the sisters to follow the code of loyalty, allegiance, and dedication.
New Member Dues: TBD
Active Member Dues: TBD
Length of New Member Period: 6 Weeks
Sigma Psi Zeta National Website
Facebook, Twitter, IG & Snapchat: @syracusesyz