Sanctions for All Conduct Cases

Part 11.

The primary goal of the University Student Conduct System is education. In addition to educational sanctions, the University may issue sanctions that affect a student or student organization’s status at the University. All sanctions are official actions of the University. Failure to comply with sanctions or with specific conditions related to the safety and security of any persons or property while a case is pending, may result in immediate, suspension or expulsion from the University without benefit of further process.

11.1 Sanctions are assigned based on the context and nature of the behaviors and the status of the respondent. Specifically, conduct officer and University Conduct Boards will consider the following:

a. the extent of harm caused to or impact on individuals and the community (i.e. living environment, University community, and the surrounding community) including the level of intervention necessary;

b. the potential for ongoing risk to the student, other individuals, the community, or property;

c. a student’s disciplinary record and history of past conduct status sanctions;

d. level of intent, remorse, cooperation, and willingness to take responsibility;

e. evidence that the student’s conduct was motivated by bias regarding an individual or group’s real or perceived race, color, creed, religion, political or social affiliation, sex, gender, reproductive health decisions, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, and/or veteran status;

f. whether the student or student organization engaged in help-seeking behavior (i.e. calling for assistance, remaining with another student while help arrived); and,

g. sanctions issued in prior similar University conduct cases.

11.2 The following sanctions, or any combination thereof, may be applied to any individual student, group of students, or student organization, for violations of the Code of Student Conduct and related University policies:

a. Educational: The primary goal of the University Student Conduct System is education. Respective Boards and conduct officers may design sanctions that are specific to an individual case when it is determined that educational value may result and the interests of the University community are maintained. Examples of educational sanctions include, but are not limited to: community service, Community Involvement Assignment, Decision Making Assignment, Civility Workshop, monetary restitution, and research and writing assignments.

b. Residential Warning: This status is a formal warning on behalf of the residential living program and is intended to clearly document in a student’s disciplinary file that the student’s behavior is unacceptable. The length of this status will be determined by the conduct officer or formal hearing body.

c. Residential Probation: This status indicates that a student is no longer in good standing within the University’s residential living program. Further violations may result in the immediate loss of eligibility to live in or visit the University’s residence and/or dining facilities.

d. Residential Relocation/Suspension/Expulsion: These statuses indicate that a student is not eligible to live in or visit some or all of the University’s residence and/or dining facilities. A residential relocation involves the reassignment of a student’s living unit within University housing and usually prohibits the student from returning to the residential area associated with the former living assignment. A residential suspension or expulsion involves the student’s removal from housing altogether. These statuses may extend for a specific period of time, until the completion of specific conditions, or permanently. These statuses may be limited to a specific facility or applied to all facilities.

e. Social Probation: This status is applied as a result of a breach of specific social regulations. Its primary effect is to suspend a privilege related to the nature of the offense and/or restrict access to specific campus facilities or programs.

f. Disciplinary Warning: This status is a formal warning on behalf of the University community and is intended to clearly document in a student’s or student organization’s disciplinary file that their behavior is unacceptable. The length of this status will be determined by the conduct officer or formal hearing body.

g. Disciplinary Probation: This action indicates that a student is no longer in good standing with the University (see Part 17). The student or student organization is permitted to remain enrolled at or retain recognition by the University under stated conditions, depending upon the nature of the violation and upon the potential learning value that may derive from specific restrictive measures. Students on disciplinary probation may not hold or run for elected or appointed leadership positions including, but not limited to: resident assistants, peer leaders or mentors, orientation leaders, teaching assistants, Student Association leaders and leadership positions in recognized clubs and organizations, including professional and social fraternities and sororities. Students on disciplinary probation may not join or participate in a new member formal recruitment process for any organization where membership is dependent on the completion of said process. Additionally, students on disciplinary probation may not travel abroad in any SU-sponsored program. Student organizations, recognized clubs, and fraternities and sororities on disciplinary probation and found responsible for subsequent violations of the Code may be suspended or lose their recognition. Further violations may result in immediate suspension, or expulsion from the University. The length of this status will be determined by the conduct officer or formal hearing body.

h. Suspension: This action results in a student’s involuntary withdrawal from the University, or for a student organization, the loss of University recognition and related privileges for a period of time. A suspended student or student organization is prohibited from any presence or activity on University owned, operated, or controlled property, including but not limited, to University-owned property leased to a non-University affiliated party, and from participation in any class or program offered by Syracuse University. A student or student organization placed on a status of suspension is permitted, after a minimum period of separation, to submit a petition to return from suspension that demonstrates good citizenship in the time away from the University and potential for making positive contributions in the future.

Individual student petitions are required to include: a personal essay evidencing the learning the student has gained from the incident that led to the suspension; the manner in which the student has been occupied since departure from the University; and, the specific commitments the student will make to contributing positively to the University community if offered the opportunity for readmission; three (3) character references from non-family members; documented information of the student’s completion of substantial service to the community; documented information of gainful employment and/or completion of academic course work at an accredited institution of higher education; and, documented information of completion of any special assignments identified for the student by Community Standards at the time of or subsequent to the student’s departure. This petition is reviewed by the Dean of Students, or a designee, who will determine whether and under what conditions a student may be permitted to return to the University in a future semester.

Student organization petitions will include elements specific to the type of student organization, as determined by the Director of Community Standards.

i. Expulsion: This action results in the permanent separation of the student, or student organization, from the University, its programs and facilities. It is the most severe disciplinary action that the University Student Conduct System can impose. Students expelled prior to degree conferral will not receive a Syracuse University diploma.

11.3 Application of Sanctioning Guidelines:

Sanctioning guidelines have been adopted by Syracuse University to respond to serious violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Syracuse University is deeply concerned about the extent to which some students engage in underage consumption of alcohol, unlawful use of drugs, and/or consumption of alcohol or other drugs to a degree that renders them in need of emergency medical intervention or other extraordinary assistance. In addition, Syracuse University seeks to deter students from engaging in conduct that poses risks to the safety and well-being of the individual student and/or the University community as a whole. Sanctioning guidelines are intended to alert students and other members of the University community to the seriousness of alcohol- and drug-related behaviors, violence, and safety violations; provide meaningful consequences for violations of University expectations; and, ensure that students are provided opportunities to access education, counseling, and support.

In all cases the appropriate sanctions will be determined on a case-by-case basis in light of all the circumstances. The presence of substantial mitigating or other appropriate circumstances may result in the reduction or augmentation of sanctioning guidelines.

Note: Please also review the sanctioning guidelines pertaining to Public Health Guidelines and Expectations for COVID-19 Violations.

11.4 Sanctioning Guidelines for Substance-Related Violations

CategoryFirst ViolationSecond ViolationThird Violation
Use, possession, or purchase of alcohol under Prohibited circumstancesUse or possession of alcohol under prohibited circumstances
Disciplinary Warning and educational activities including: Community Involvement referral and/or Educational project(s).
Disciplinary Probation and educational activities including: Options Program referral and Community Involvement referral and/or other educational project(s).Suspension
Supplying alcohol to underage person(s).Disciplinary Probation and educational activities including: Community Involvement referral or Community Service project(s) and/or Educational project(s).SuspensionSuspension
Extreme alcohol intoxication posing a substantial risk to the
health and well-being of self and/or others.
Disciplinary Warning and educational activities including: Options Program referral and Educational assignments.Disciplinary Probation and educational activities including: Options Program referral and Community Involvement referral and/or other educational project(s) Residential relocation.Suspension
Manufacture or sale of alcohol under prohibited circumstances.Disciplinary Probation and educational activities including: Community Involvement referral or Community Service project(s) and/or Educational project(s).SuspensionSuspension
Driving any motor vehicle while intoxicated or while under the influence of unlawful drugs.SuspensionSuspension or ExpulsionSuspension
Use or possession of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia.Disciplinary Warning and educational activities including: Options Program referral and/or Community Involvement; Community Service referral and/or Other Educational project(s).Disciplinary Probation and educational activities including: Options Program referral and/or Community Involvement; Community Service referral and/or Other Educational project(s).Suspension
Manufacture, sale, purchase, or distribution of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia Disciplinary Probation with educational activities or suspensionSuspensionSuspension
Use or possession of illegal drugs other than marijuana or controlled substances without an appropriate prescription.Disciplinary Probation and educational activities including: Options Program referral and/or Community Involvement; Community Service referral and/or Other Educational project(s).SuspensionSuspension
Extreme drug intoxication or abuse-related behavior posing a substantial risk to the health and well-being of self and/or others.Disciplinary Probation and educational activities including: Options Program referral and/or Community Involvement referral and/or Other Educational project(s)
Residential relocation.
Manufacture, sale, purchase, or distribution of illegal drugs or controlled substances other than marijuana. Suspension or ExpulsionExpulsion

11.5 Sanctioning Guidelines for Weapons-Related Violations

Possession of a prohibited weapon or other dangerous object, including, but not limited to firearms, BB-guns, sling shots, airsoft guns, air rifles, explosive devices, fireworks, or any other dangerous, unlawful, or hazardous object or materialDisciplinary Probation, Suspension, or Expulsion. Expulsion from student housing. Community Service and/or other Educational sanctions.
Any improper use, attempted use, or threat of use of a weapon or other dangerous, illegal, or hazardous object; any improper use as a weapon of any otherwise permitted object or material.Suspension or Expulsion

11.6 Sanctioning Guidelines for Violence-Related Violations

Physical harm or threat of physical harm without a weapon resulting in little or no physical injury to involved persons.Disciplinary Probation or Suspension. Participation in the Conflict Resolution Program, and the Options Program referral if alcohol or other drugs were a factor in the incident. Community service and/or other educational sanctions
Physical harm without a weapon resulting in significant physical injury to another person.Suspension or Expulsion

11.7 Sanctioning Guidelines for Safety and Fire-Related Violations

Tampering with smoke detectors in on campus residential facilities.Disciplinary Warning, educational projects, and residential probation.
Interference with, improper activation of, or damage to any elevator or safety or emergency equipment, including, but not limited to: fire alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, and blue lights; lighting any unauthorized fire on University property.Disciplinary Probation with appropriate educational sanctions or Suspension.

11.8 Sanctioning Guidelines for Gender Related Violence/Harassment

Sexual harassment including unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and some visual and physical conduct of a sexual nature; Stalking.Suspension or Disciplinary Probation with appropriate educational projects.
Sexual assault, including, but not limited to sexual touching without consent, forcible touching; stalking with threats of harm; use of physical violence in a dating or sexual relationship.Suspension or Expulsion
Sexual intercourse without consent.Suspension or Expulsion
Retaliation against an individual who has filed a report of gender related violence/ harassment.Suspension or Expulsion or Disciplinary Probation with appropriate educational projects.

11.9 Sanctioning Guidelines for Bias-Related Violations

Evidence that the student’s conduct was motivated by bias regarding an individual or group’s real or perceived race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, and/or veteran status may result in more severe disciplinary action through the student conduct process.Disciplinary Probation or Suspension
Evidence that a student’s conduct was motivated by bias and threatened physical health, mental health, or safety of anyone.Suspension or Expulsion

11.10 Sanctioning Guidelines for Hazing-Related Violations

Assistance, participation in, promotion of, or perpetuation of hazing.Suspension or Expulsion
Knowledge of hazing and failing to report or intervene in a situation that threatens the health and safety of another individual.Suspension or Expulsion

11.11 Sanctioning Guidelines for Student Leaders

For student leaders, failure to intervene or notify the University when a student knows of a situation that threatens the health and safety of another individual or the campus community. Disciplinary Probation and educational sanctions
For student leaders, participating and or assisting in a situation that threatens the health and safety of another individual or the campus community. Disciplinary Probation and educational sanctions or Suspension

11.12 Sanctioning Guidelines for Perpetuating an Unrecognized Organization

Assistance, participation in, or promotion of a student organization that has lost University recognition on a temporary or permanent basis.Suspension