Student Conduct Code

2024-2025 Student Conduct Code

Syracuse University students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that supports and promotes the educational mission of the University. Integrity, respect for one another and others’ property, and a commitment to intellectual and personal growth in a diverse community are core values of Syracuse University.

Bias Sanction Enhancement Clause: Conduct motivated by bias against a targeted individual’s or group’s protected characteristics can negatively impact students’ ability to succeed to their fullest in our community and may also threaten health and safety. Evidence sufficient to show it is more likely than not that a student’s misconduct was motivated by bias regarding an individual or group’s actual or perceived creed, ethnicity, citizenship, reproductive health decisions, national origin, sex, gender, pregnancy, disability, marital status, political or social affiliation, age, race, color, veteran status, military status, religion, sexual orientation, domestic violence status, genetic information, gender identity, and/or gender expression may result in more substantial sanction(s).

  1. Physical assault of any person(s), or an express threat to physically harm any person(s) whether made verbally, in writing, electronically or online, including but not limited to sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, or stalking as defined in the University’s Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Assault Prevention Policy.
  2. Actions which constitute active assistance or participation in, express promotion of, or perpetuation of harassment as defined in the Syracuse University Anti-Harassment Policy or the Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Assault Prevention Policy, whether engaged in physically, electronically, or online, verbally, in writing or via video recording. Bias-motivated incidents (sometimes referred to as “hate” incidents) may qualify as harassment under the definitions set forth in the University’s Anti-Harassment Policy.
  3. Active assistance or participation in, express promotion of, or perpetuation of conduct, including but not limited to bullying of an individual or group, whether engaged in physically, electronically, online, verbally, in writing or via video recording, which (i) was intentional or engaged in with reckless indifference to the foreseeable impact, (ii) was severe or pervasive, and (iii) was reasonably likely to cause physical or mental harm to the individual(s) subjected to it.
  4. Academic dishonesty including but not limited to plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct such as misuse of academic resources or facilities, intellectual property theft and/or misuse of computer software, data, equipment, or networks.*
  5. Intentional disruption or obstruction of authorized teaching, research, administrative, athletic, artistic, expressive (including non-disruptive peaceful protest), or other activities or operations of the University or its students, faculty, or staff occurring on University owned or leased property or pursuant to a University program, event, or activity. Prohibited conduct includes, without limitation, obstructing access to University owned or leased property or a University program, event, or activity.
  6. Theft of or damage to University, personal, public, or private property/services or illegal possession or use of the same.
  7. Forgery, alteration, fabrication, or misuse of University or other official identification cards, records, reports, grades, diplomas, documents, computer files, or systems. This includes, without limitation, possession or purchase of falsified identification cards or misrepresentation of any kind to a University office, University official, or law enforcement official acting within the scope of their authority.
  8. Unauthorized entry or use of University facilities that are locked, closed, or otherwise restricted as to use.
  9. Disorderly conduct including, but not limited to, acts that breach the peace, constitute public intoxication, or are lewd, indecent, or obscene.
  10. Use or possession of alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia, in violation of the Syracuse University Policy on Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Tobacco or applicable federal, state, or local law.
  11. Purchase, distribution, manufacture, or sale of alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia, in violation of the Syracuse University Policy on Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Tobacco or applicable federal, state, or local law.
  12. Failure to comply with the lawful directives of University employees performing the duties and responsibilities of their position or office, including without limitation, matters related to the maintenance of safety or security.
  13. Unauthorized (a) possession, brandishing, or use of any weapon, including firearms, BB-guns, airsoft guns, air rifles, explosive devices, fireworks, or any other dangerous, illegal, or hazardous object or material, or (b) improper use as a weapon of any otherwise permitted object or material. This includes, without limitation, any conduct that violates the University’s Weapons Policy. Exceptions may be approved in advance by the Department of Public Safety for theatrical productions or athletic/recreational events.
  14. Interference with or misuse of fire alarms, blue light safety phones, elevators, fire doors, limited access or otherwise secured entry doors, security cameras, or other safety and security equipment or programs.
  15. Active assistance or participation in, or planning, express promotion, or perpetuation of hazing as defined in the Syracuse University Anti-Hazing Policy or applicable local, state, or federal law.
  16. Active participation in, or promotion to other students of, a student organization the University has identified as having lost University recognition on a temporary or permanent basis.
  17. For student leaders of Recognized Student Organizations or Sport Clubs holding an executive position (president, vice president, treasurer, new member educator, recruitment chair, social chair, captain, co-captain, or the equivalent), failure to (a) promptly take affirmative action to prevent the harm, (b) contact public safety, or (c) otherwise notify a relevant University official, when the student leader knows of a situation that a reasonable person would perceive threatens the health or safety of another individual or the campus community.
  18. Violation of international, federal, state, or local law if such violation (a) impacts or adversely affects the University’s pursuit of its educational mission or other authorized activities, programs, or operations, or the local community, (b) limits or otherwise impairs a student’s ability to fully engage in academic courses and requirements, or (c) presents an actual or potential threat to health or safety. Where such violation is the basis for a complaint under the Student Conduct Code, the student will be provided a citation to the specific statute, ordinance, or law at issue.
  19. Violation of University policies, rules, or regulations that are published in the Student Handbook, other official University publications, websites, or agreements.

*Cases alleging a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy are overseen by the Center for Learning and Student Success.

The Student Conduct Code applies to all students and student organizations at Syracuse University and students are expected to become familiar with its provisions. Violations can occur either on or off campus. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs does not diminish one’s responsibility for adhering to the Code.

Other policies of the University may be found on the Syracuse University website and in other University publications.