Meet the Procedural Advisors

Students can be advised by a Procedural Adviser (PA), PAs must be a full-time student, faculty, or staff member of Syracuse University (for exceptions, see May I have an attorney as my Procedural Advisor?).

Community Standards has a list of trained PAs (see below) that are available by request. Students should reach out to a PA as soon as possible, ideally 72 hours before their meeting or hearing, to see if they have availability. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their PA to set up a time to meet and discuss their upcoming resolution meeting or formal hearing.

It is important to note: PAs are to advise students on the conduct process, but it is the student’s responsibility to prepare their own case. A PA is not permitted to speak on behalf of the students, they can only advise in a non-disruptive manner.

Role: Functional Business Analyst

Contact: Phone – 315-443-1428 or Email –

Role: Academic Advisor

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Role: Administrative Assistant

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Role: Student Success Advisor

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Role: Student Success Advisor

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Role: Academic Counselor

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Students may contact the College of Law Office of Student Experience at to request a law student as their PA.  Information for College of Law students can be found below. Law students are not considered attorneys and are permitted to serve as a PA for any student conduct case as outlined in the Student Conduct System Handbook.  It’s important to note that student schedules vary, and law students may not always be available to serve as PAs.

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For additional information, please review the following documents:

Additional questions or concerns on procedural advisors should be directed to Community Standards at 315.443.3728 or via email at