Off-Campus Living

Through services, resources and events, the Apartment and Off-Campus Student Living team, along with Off-Campus Community Ambassadors, offer dedicated support that prioritizes student independence. Program development and promotion focuses on experiences that impact students’ sense of belonging, community engagement and personal responsibility/self-reliance.  Students are permitted to move off campus after fulfilling the two-year housing requirement.

Contact Off-Campus Student Living

The team’s goal is to help off-campus and commuter students have a positive living experience, be engaged in the campus and surrounding communities, and gain skills in independent living. The team can also serve as a resource for students thinking about living off campus, the search process, signing a lease, navigating off-campus living experiences and more.

For additional information or questions, please do not hesitate to email the Off-Campus Student Living team, call 315.443.3893 or visit 206 Goldstein Student Center.