Senior Year Central

Senior Portraits

Prestige Photography by Lifetouch is the official photographer for the Syracuse University Yearbook. All senior portraits must be taken by them for inclusion in the yearbook.

A photographer will be available in the Panasci Lounge on the 3rd floor of the Schine Student Center starting Monday, February 10th. Appointments are required.

Schedule an Appointment

  • Sitting will include poses in your own business attire and cap & gown.
  • There is no charge to be photographed.
  • You will receive a Session ID and Access Code at the time of your sitting. You can use these codes to view your proofs online 7-10 days after you are photographed.
  • Please arrive on time to your scheduled appointment.
  • Don’t forget these portraits can be used for your professional networking and job search sites!

Remember The Year Forever – Buy your Yearbook Today!

Since 1886, the Syracuse University Yearbook has documented the annual history of Syracuse University as perceived and expressed by students. The words and images of the yearbook capture the life of the campus and preserve special moments of Syracuse University students. Filled with senior portraits, academics, sports and much more, the yearbook is a memento that is due each graduating senior.

Purchase the 2025 Yearbook From Jostens

The Syracuse University Yearbook is produced by a student-led team with assistance and support from Student Engagement. For questions or more information, contact Student Engagement, 230 Schine Student Center, 315-443-2718,


For more information about Commencement, please visit the Commencement website.